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Team 3


Senior Member
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Southeast Ohio
I can't believe you passed on that buck Ryan! You must have some studs running wild out there!

I wish you guys all the best! Haven't decided if I'm gonna take the muzzy out this weekend or not, but I have intentions of shooting at least two more deer this year.

Phil, glad to hear I inspire you! LOL


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Ryan's text to me said it was his buddy's biggest buck ever. I know redhunter to be a good guy and I agree it was pretty darn nice letting this one walk. I realize letting him walk in the morning doesn't guarantee your buddy gets to shoot him in the evening but it sounds like you fellas had them patterned pretty darn good.

Ryan has put down some nice deer. Hopefully he is rewarded for passing this one!

Not that the contest matters a ton, but we really could be a sleeper team here. I have been seeing a lot of bucks. Had one under me yesterday morning. Hoping to get a better look at him tomorrow morning. Every single one of us are pretty serious hunters, so this is really half the battle. Add a little luck and you never know. RGecko and Beentown are two I am rooting for now that Flutey got the buck curse off his back.


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
i think we might be in the lead now for the contest, after my wedding stuff is done with and we get the temps too drop im gonna go after a couple of the big ones on camera.


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
I am trying. Was out looking for a ghost yesterday that this owner of a tree farm keeps hounding me and my buddy about. I guess hes pretty big. I know hes got to be around the 5 yr old mark now.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Um. . . unless I misread a text this morning, I believe I am the only non-contributing slug left on our team. If it wasn't him, it was someone he knows. All I know is someone turned a doe into a red mess this morning. You guys keep up the good work! I will catch up with you here soon enough. lol


Senior Member
Supporting Member
That'd be me. I would like to give some awesome story how I got her. Truth is I woke up at 7:30 with a hangover only because my nephew was crying in the next room over. I decided to grab my stuff and go for a cruise. Maybe 2 miles from the house I turn the corner by this small woods that butts up to the road I have permission for, and there's a doe standing in the road and crossed into the standing corn. I pull up and see 4 more does running back into the clear cut. I knew they'd wanna cross so I pulled up 100 yards and parked my car. I walked back to the edge of the clearing and setup 20 yards into the woods. About 10 minutes later they finally made their way back and I smoked the big lead doe. She never moved after the shot. I absolutely love the 275 gr powerbelt aero tips. I only had my dumbphone to take pics. I did send a pic to Phil with my tag , maybe hoping he can post it for me:smiley_crocodile:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
That is a pretty good story actually. Put a smile on my face. I can picture it. Congrats Ryan. Will see about getting it posted up for you. Maybe you can throw it in the harvest thread and I comment with your picture?


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
went last night to a property my boss owns and im the mine foreman for. havent hunted it for a few years just went in too hang a stand last night, found a truck parked back in the field, i went ahead and hung my stand. have yet to see my boss today too ask if he let anyone else in there i doubt he did since its an open mine. and id say thats why the guy parked so far off the road so he doesnt get caught.the bad part is the guy is driving thru the center of the bedding area to park and going up in the woods. good thing is i went to other side of the field and found about 15 rubs withtin a 100 yards of where i hung my stand.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Sounds like a great spot BT! Be careful out there!

Finishing up with work this evening and I will be off for a week. Figure I will try to get out and pop a doe if the wife will let me get away for a bit.

Good luck to any of you heading out this weekend. I figure the deer will be moving good with the cooler nights finally moving in.


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
i took a couple days off, got some things done at the house manly splitting all my firewood. ill be back in the stand tonight, gonna hunt saturday morning get married saturday night and be back at the stand again sunday morning as long as im not too hung over.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
i took a couple days off, got some things done at the house manly splitting all my firewood. ill be back in the stand tonight, gonna hunt saturday morning get married saturday night and be back at the stand again sunday morning as long as im not too hung over.

That is some serious time management right there Bigten. You are my new hero. lol

Best of luck and congrats on the wedding. Best of luck if you get to hunt as well.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
I'm out hunting this evening in the stand I killed my buck. Figured I would hunt it tonight then take it down. On the way in, found several scrapes along the field edge.

If I bust a doe this next week, I'm gonna split it up between my elderly neighbors. I can always bust another for us later on.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Bet it felt good being in the stand while it is still relatively warm without any stress or pressure to locate a buck. You are in a good position Greg! Momma works all weekend so after the volleyball tourney in the morning I am either hitting a poker run on the bike or splitting firewood. Taking one of the boys with me if I make the run. Neighbor lady said she would put the others to work. haha

Not sure when I will get to hit the woods again. Sometime next week, just not sure when yet. My buddy saw a 130ish 10pt square off with a decent 8pt tonight. We are getting close to prime time. Good luck to any of you heading out this weekend!


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
Totally slept in today. Guess I should have went out. Plenty of time left. I'll be out tomorrow. Can't get a buck on camera to save my life. Nothing but little guys so far.