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Team 6


*Supporting Member*
New Hampshire
Brock invited us back any time this season since we hardly saw any deer but I doubt I can do it. It's a 15 hour drive and the costs of a trip like this add up. It's basically a once a year thing. I'm not completely ruling it out but I highly doubt I can make it happen.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
You guys gonna be up in a tree this weekend? I checked the for cast and we have lows in the 30s. My butt will be 20' up every chance this weekend. I'll try a sit about mid day tomorrow. Next weekend they're saying mid 50s for the lows, and evidence shows that they're running. Anyone going out, goodluck!


*Supporting Member*
New Hampshire
Passed a doe this morning at 15 yards. I didn't want to burn my one gun tag on the first day for a doe. I've got until the first weekend of December to hunt with a gun. I hope I don't regret that.


Junior Member
Got out twice this weekend and had decent results, just no "that's the one." Saw 4 bucks, and some heavy chasing on Sunday morning. I had this guy walk directly under my stand. Im thinking 2.5 maybe a 3.5 year old deer.



Senior Member
Supporting Member
This weekend should be a good one to be out. I'm going to the osu game Saturday so I'll have to miss 2 quality sits, but after Sunday I'll be hitting it hard!


*Supporting Member*
New Hampshire
Checking in here from NH. It's the last day of muzzloader today and I'm in a blind on a powerline. Rut hasnt kicked in here yet but it always seems to be a week or two behind you guys in the midwest. Not sure why but it is. Rifle season starts tomorrow and goes for 3 1/2 weeks. First 2 days of rifle are either sex but the catch is we only get one gun tag. If I shoot a doe than I have to buck hunt with my bow for the rest of the season. I like bowhunting but it's a big disadvantage in our big woods. I'm bringing my 15 year old son with me tomorrow so hopefully he can get a crack at one. He's still trying to get his first deer.