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The Moon - What do we know?


Junior Member
N.E. Ohio
On 10/20/13, I saw 5 does and a yote between 9:30am and 10:00am. My nephew arrowed a doe 2 counties away at 9:45 am. Moonset was about 9:25 am.
It was as if some one turned on a mid-morning switch. Anyone else have similar experience Sunday?


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
I gotta tell ya, I'm excited about the weekend of the 2nd and the 3rd. Not only will it be a new moon, but it will rise and set at the same time as the sun and be directly overhead at mid day. i hope a front comes through as well, that could be magic.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
On 10/20/13, I saw 5 does and a yote between 9:30am and 10:00am. My nephew arrowed a doe 2 counties away at 9:45 am. Moonset was about 9:25 am.
It was as if some one turned on a mid-morning switch. Anyone else have similar experience Sunday?

I had small bucks all over me as soon as I could see on sunday morning, but didn't see a thing past 9am. I hunted until 11:00. Stark CO.


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
Sunday evening I didn't see one deer from 4:15 - dark, until I walked out into the field and there was something out there that bound off, I couldn't tell what it was. Other than that nadda!!


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Sunday evening I didn't see one deer from 4:15 - dark, until I walked out into the field and there was something out there that bound off, I couldn't tell what it was. Other than that nadda!!

Sunday I seen a doe step out of the woods at 5pm and go right back in. She came back out at 6:10pm and milled around until 6:30pm when she ran back to the treeline. I seen a buck come out at 6:45pm and that must have been wheat spooked her. He came out and hit a scrape and started skirting the field edge.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Alright fellas... Many of us are debating on days off from work. Leaving weather out of the equation, what days are best for movement based on moon phases and rise/set?

Many of us are debating on days the week of Nov. 4 or the week of Nov. 11.

Let's hear some thoughts. What days do you think will be best based on the solunar table?


Black Hat Cajun
Supporting Member
Fri. Nov 8th and Saturday Nov. 9th should be good.
November 8th
Moon is directly under at 5:53 am and the sun is rising at 7:13 am
Moon is Directly overhead at 5:28pm and sun is setting at 5:29pm
November 9th
Moon is directly under at 6:49 am and the sun is rising at 7:15 am
Moon is Directly overhead at 6:23pm and sun is setting at 5:28pm


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
I will be out both of those days, but I sure am hoping the week before is good too, as that is when I decided to take vacation. So I will be in the stand from this Sat. 11/2 till the following Sun 11/10. I am nervous about my decision though.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Just something to ponder Mike. Seems that lockdown rears its ugly head during the first week or so in November and I've noticed the bigger bucks are out cruising more during the second and third weeks after getting their first nut. Just my opinion buddy. Just hunt as much as you can! Lol


Staff member
A look at the full moons for 2014 courtesy of Ricer: http://farmersalmanac.com/full-moon-dates-and-times/

January 15th Full Wolf Moon 11:52 pm
February 14th Full Snow Moon 6:53 pm
March 16th Full Worm Moon 1:08 pm
April 15th Full Pink Moon 3:42 am
May 14th Full Flower Moon 3:16 pm
June 13th Full Strawberry Moon 12:11 am
July 12th Full Buck Moon 7:25 am
August 10th Full Sturgeon Moon 2:09 pm
September 8th Full Harvest Moon 9:38 pm
October 8th Full Hunter's Moon 6:51 am
November 6th Full Beaver Moon 5:23 pm
December 6th Full Cold Moon 7:27 am