Its easy to do yourself and I recommend doing it fully loaded. Just take center of wheel to fender measurements.
Measurement 1 - Truck unloaded
Measurement 2 - Truck bed loaded and camper attached.
Add WDH at default setting (ball height set, brackets in general area based on static truck height), hook up camper.
Measurement 3 - tweak until:
1. Front fenders should always be at measurement 1 or be higher, never lower. The closer to measurment 1, the closer to OEM driving weight on steering axle.
2. Rear fenders should always be at measurement 1 or lower,, never higher. If you get back to measurement 1, go back and check the front. 1k-2k lbs is supposed to make the truck squat, WDH shouldn't lift the rear beyond static height.
By doing it yourself, or doing the above after the dealer installs will ensure you understand the ins and outs of your setup. Also a great time to go back thru with a torque wrench on each bolt n nut.