So if I open the door on my outdoor wood burner that heats my home and let my hunting clothes absorb as much smoke as possible, would that be doing the same thing as the scent smoker is doing for you guys and your gear?
I usually burn Oak, ash and maple, and there is plenty of smoke to be had when the door is first opened.
It would accomplish the same goal. Sort of. Just way less efficient. The smoke coming out of the smoker is directed through about a 1 inch opening. It allows you to direct a big puff of smoke right where you need it. So it lets you do better coverage, and concentration. It's also still very warm which means the chemical properties are still very sticky. Plus when smoking up you also get all that on your skin also. This is where the antimicrobial properties come in. It prevents odor causing bacteria from forming etc.
Smoking that way will undoubtedly make your clothes smell like smoke. But not nearly as well as the smoker does and will not get your body covered remotely as well.. You could try it and see, it will help for sure, but i wouldn't expect the same foolproof results just due to the loss in efficiency and coverage.
This smoking method is two fold. It kills odor causing bacteria, and it acts as a cover scent.. The smoke smell is just the cover scent. The real benefit is the properties in wood smoke that act as an antimicrobial and anti bacterial. Guys tha are just smoking their clothes in a tote, blind etc are missing 50% of the equation, and IMO the most beneficial part.. I will smoke my clothes lightly after i wash them.. Put them in the tote and maybe puff 1 or 2 in there.. But the real smoking comes when i get to my spot.
First thing i do is fire up the smoker and let it sit while i get my stuff together.. I then start to put on my layers. Smoking each one after i put it on. Starting under my first shirt. I then smoke the shirt itself as it just goes right through. Paying attention to the armpit, and crotch areas of my first layer. Then I smoke each layer as i put it on.. Smoke my hair and beard. (BE CAREFUL not recommended by manufacturer) my hands, my hat gets a good dose. my gloves and my release. I'll even throw a couple quick puffs all over my stand and sticks.. The back of my backpack etc.. All in all it only takes about an extra 10 min. But i know I'm smoked up right.
Once in the stand you will get used to the smoke smell and maybe catch a whiff of it once and a while. But say you shoot a deer and start dragging. Any activity that makes you sweat seems to "reactivate" the smell. Often i have gone all day and not smelled myself. Get sweaty and i smell like a smoked ham.. (Makes me hungry sometimes.) That night when you get in the shower, as soon as the how water hits you the bathroom will be filled with the sweet smell of BBQ... LOL.. That's the benefit to smoking yourself and not just clothes in a tote, it stays with you and keeps working.