*Supporting Member*
My only smoker story.
For several years I had hog hunted my buddies SC lease and every time I was skunked. Lee was convinced I just had a "hog curse" and used to joke about letting me come hunting any time because it's a given that I'm not going to do any damage to the hog population.
I've hunted this place with every conceivable set up and used ever gimmick and struck out every time. Twice I'll admit I blew it and missed, but the other 20 visits I never saw a single hog.
When I came back from Iraq I had time for a one day hunt. Brock sent me a scent smoker so I smoked the hell outta everything and smelled like a chimney. When I got to my stand I was disappointed because the wind was blowing right to the feeder, but it's all I had and since I just driven three hours for a one night hunt I decided to go for it.
Two hours later a group of three pigs came running in. When the came in down wind, the lead pig imediately stopped and sniffed the air. It literally took him 30 seconds to decided everything was OK and continued on to the corn.
Two minutes later he and his buddy where dead and I was laying down lead trying to nail the last one as he ran off through the woods (I was deaf for a week).
The hogs were piglets so I guess one could argue they were just stupid, but I didn't care. The hog curse was over and the smoker saved the day.
This story has me a little more convinced to give a smoker a try. Not that a white tails nose is bad, but hands down a hogs is superior. Their eye sight is poor and they rely on their nose to make up for it. I've had the wind shift on me too many times and pigs hauled ass. They don't hang around when your wind is blowing at them.
Now I need to figure out how to hook up a blower to my meat smoker!