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The TOO dump thread


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I wasn't going to post this, but….

I've been working some pretty long hours with this new job and getting home pretty late. A guy that lives just up the road from us has been having a rough time lately so he has been using my garage to tinker on some of his projects. (Guys wife goes to school with my wife and our kids go to school together.) Anyways, about a week ago I noticed the change cup in my truck going lower… A couple of might ago I remembered to ask my wife is she took some out. She said no and told me she noticed the same thing from the one in our bedroom. Having a 10 year old in the house we asked her about it. Her reaction was very funny actually so we knew it wasn't her.

Well last night I come down my driveway could of swore I seen a flashlight back by the house…(driveway is a 1/4 mile long and goes into the woods). I hit the lights in the truck and kinda hurried along a little. Get up to the house and didn't see anything. Shut the truck off, get out, and go inside thinking it was a reflection or something. But my gut tells me otherwise and I go sit in my garage with the lights off…

I hit that worthless fucking neighbor of mine so hard I thought I killed him! He came strolling in like he owned the place about 30 minutes later. When he woke up we had a nice chat about things as I took his shit out of my garage. Today he sends his kids back to get some of the things and to return some things I didn't even realize he took… What is wrong with some people?!!!

I thought I'd feel better today after getting some satisfaction from knocking him out and making a grown man cry… I think I'm more pissed off that I didn't do what everyone is thinking.

We've lived here almost 3 years and have never locked our house. My wife bought new locks for everything today because we don't even know where any keys are to our house. I'm about to get off my ass after working a 15 hour shift, in the middle of the night, to go change locks in my house. All because someone can't be honest… So it's costing me more money, loss of sleep, loss of friendship, loss of trust, loss of feeling safe for my wife, and my elbow hurts like hell!

I told his wife that she and her kids are still welcome here, he is NOT. She is very upset with him also as he was telling her I was giving him these things… I'm pretty sure it will end up with friction though between her and my wife over time. But thats to be decided with time. Off to go change locks!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Damn man, that's some bullchit. Your trying to help a guy out and he goes and steals from you. You could of got his ass on some serious charges, burglary being the worst and that carries some serious time. I'd a knocked his ass out too. If he was in your house I'd be looking for other stuff he might of taken also.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Damn that's rough and hope no more trouble comes of it. It almost whats you to not trust anyone. Now me I don't let anyone inside my property except close family when I not here. I had one break in several years ago and I told a neighbor who already was convicted of burglary I carried a pistol all the time and would shoot anyone I caught and roll them into the weeds and let the bugs eat them. His eyes got as big as hell and say 'you wouldn't to that' 'in a second'. Never had a problem after that.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
That is sad. People really don't care about people anymore. They will look you in the face and tell you how honest they are. Then steal your things out of spite. Best part is Giles.....set back and watch karma take over. You can get rid of them but they can't get rid of the POS they walk around with.
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Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
That's shitty as hell. Im sorry to hear that. I had a similar situation with a guy I was in the Army with. He hit a rough patch so I bailed him out of jail, brought him to Ohio to help him get back on his feet and stay with me for a while. He ended up taking some of my shit. He burned that bridge.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Man, that is unreal. Anymore, nothing surprises me though. Glad you got him to admit to it though and he brought your stuff back. That's an uneasy feeling knowing someone came in and went through your stuff while you were gone.


Senior Member
You could have stuffed him in a den...

haha I was waiting for it

but man that's beat! Sad to hear someone would do that to another person that not only do they live beside but have known for years. Actually just sad someone would steal from another person. Kinda pathetic he sent his kids the next day lol


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Working the last 2 days on fence repair on my secondary summer pasture that hasn't been used in 9 months. Need to moved the cattle because of the lack of rain the grass can't keep up.
Got everything finished and was making one last trip around the fence to check it and ran across a damn big weed stem and punctured a rear tubeless tire on the golf cart. I couldn't get any further from the house if I tried. Walked back and I'm wore out and tired. Now I have take the tractor down with jack and spare tire. When done I have to get both the tractor and golf cart back to the house. I guess I will just take one a ways and go back and get the other one and drive it up a ways.
I don't have time for this crap.
Now I feel better, not done but feel better.
I back in now. Went down with the tractor, jack, spare tire. Had the wrong deep wheel socket. Took the tractor back to the house and grabbed everything I could lay my hands on. Lucky it took a common spark plug socket, got to remember that.
Change the tire, took the tractor back up to the house, walked down the hill and drove the golf cart back. Watered the cattle while I was there. I was too tired to finish so will open up the new pasture tomorrow.
I'm too tire to rant anymore now, maybe later.
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*Supporting Member*
Spent half the night in the ER. Broke my big toe. Bad news is 6 to 8 weeks to heal and have to wear a flat footed boot. Good news, shouldn't need surgery or a pin to fix. Hurts like a mofo though.
Damn Giles that sure is a kick in the junk, especially when you thought you were helping him out. I don't know what's worse, someone robbing you that you don't know from Adam or a person you trust and allow into your home.

MK111 seems like when it rains it pours. Don't know how many times I've made second and third trips to do something simply because I forgot one thing or another. Glad you got it all done though!

Diane.....ouch!! Heal quickly LOL!!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
My son has been sick with strep throat/ear infection since Monday afternoon. Antibiotics havent helped. Got up at 5:15 to get a scent free shower and see that he has a 103 fever and matted eye. Off to the ER. Now he has pink eye and bronchitis. Damn it if sick kids dont stress the hell out of a parent. Feel terrible for them