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The TOO dump thread


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Very sorry Ben. You have dealt with too much of this in recent years. I agree with Jesse here. Dang shame.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I just found out that one of my farmers who let us hunt hundreds of acres died last night of a stroke. Couldnt have met a nicer guy. We were just passing out walleye and sausage yesterday to the landowners and hadnt made it to him yet. What a shame


Staff member
My right shoulder has been bothering me for a while and I finally went to see the doctor about it. X-rays didn't show anything and I was supposed to have an MRI, then I got laid off and cancelled it. It had actually been feeling better until today. Spent the better part of the day building barbed wire fence. Most of the posts were set, but I had to move one t-post and didn't have my driver, so I used my Eastwing framing hammer. I can't lift my arm high enough to get my elbow above my ear now. Driving that post in with my arm elevated aggravated whatever is wrong in there. I was worried all fall that my shoulder would blow apart when I tried to draw my bow since that motion hurts pretty bad. I'm fearing surgery is in future. Not cool.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
My right shoulder had been sore for about 6 weeks now. Just a small spot on the outside. When I pulled my doe out of the creek almost 2 weeks ago I really messed it up and again tonight I can't lay down in bed to sleep. Went to the doctor yesterday and I have bursitus in the muscle ending. Nothing to do about it except excercises and hope it gets better. Then my muscle pain from taking statin meds to lower my cholesterol is back to a high level and have to stop taking the meds.
I guess it's still better than being dead but the severe pain does take a toll on you.

The really good news is. My heart function is holding steady and improving. The 2 implants are OK and lungs are OK and clear.
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Hate to hear that Jesse. My shoulder pain comes and goes, generally nothing I worry about but when I had to work on the truck and that pain stuck around for two weeks I got a little worried. Now I don't have any pain. Give it time, I can understand holding off on the MRI now because of being laid off right now. If it gets worse or doesn't get better you may have to get in and have it taken care of.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I was gonna make a post about forgetting my bolts at my parents house...now I can't go hunting this evening. But that seems very minor compared to some of you guys. Sorry for all the loses and your shoulder Jesse.


Senior Member
Buried my lifelong best friend today. I was honored being one of the pallbearers.
We celebrated his 43 year old life on this beautiful day.
He was single and raising his 10 year old daughter with help from his 75 year old parents.
The mother is not so good in and out of relationships, evictions, employment, etc. Gave up custody most recently to the father whom is now deceased.
Probably be a power struggle in the works in between bad mother and 75 year old parents.
How'd I'd love to become a Captain Phil Hicks and take the forever commitment.
Good, yet unreasonable intentions.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Buried my lifelong best friend today. I was honored being one of the pallbearers.
We celebrated his 43 year old life on this beautiful day.
He was single and raising his 10 year old daughter with help from his 75 year old parents.
The mother is not so good in and out of relationships, evictions, employment, etc. Gave up custody most recently to the father whom is now deceased.
Probably be a power struggle in the works in between bad mother and 75 year old parents.
How'd I'd love to become a Captain Phil Hicks and take the forever commitment.
Good, yet unreasonable intentions.

I'll take that as a compliment. It is not an easy feat to bring in someone child as your own. If it is meant to be and you are meant to do it. . . It will happen. Should you cross that bridge, you have my number. Feel free to bounce me for any related questions. Sorry for the loss of your friend. Nothing fun about this. Sounds like they picked a good man for one of the pallbearers.

Not truly "dump worthy" as it is just part of my job, but here goes: Finished remodeling a kitchen, bathroom, and painting a rental house last week. Got it rented. Good to see it rented again, but man was that some work and a big chunk of money. I'm over it. Until today. . . when I started the middle unit of our triplex. Sickening how a unit with fresh paint and all new carpet 2.5 years ago needs it all again. Today the painting began. Tomorrow myself and another guy should be darn close to finishing the painting. Then onto ripping out carpet, replacing most of it with laminate and hoping to be done by the weekend. Like I said, it isn't truly "dump worthy" but better worded: it is disheartening to see happen over and over. Just disgusts me how people truly don't care. Maybe they do care and just don't realize how destructive they are? Either way, it gets old.

So I do it, move on, and will do so again. $3000 in materials in 3 weeks sucks butt. Not a complaint. I bring these headaches on as I buy more. Just saying, with the good comes the bad. It is not "easy money." If you know anyone who has rentals, they are earning their keep. In our retirement, I will be very thankful for the sacrifices I am making today. Thus the reason I say this isn't truly "Dump worthy" but just frustrating.


Junior Member
For about the last week we've had chocolate milk colored water coming out of our well. The well is only 11 years old so I thought it could just be the changing water tables and it will eventually clear up. We've had cloudy water before but it only lasted a day or two. Yesterday I shocked the well hoping it would help. After flushing the well the water was still chocolaty in color.

Today I called the company who saved our well 2 years ago when it wasn't able to keep up with the consumption used during a shower. They saved it by using muriatic acid to eat all the minerals that formed a cement-like layer. He went out to the house and turned on the spigot and sure enough chocolaty water flowed. His recommendation is for a new well as he believes there is a hole in the steel casing allowing mud to enter into the aquifer. Est. cost: $3500. Merry Christmas!