Combined they are cheaper than the AC unit we just replaced. I'll trade you bills. lol
You're all still above ground, so it's a good day.
You're all still above ground, so it's a good day.
I got me a case of Torticollis (Wry Neck, Sprained Neck, whatever you call it).........most painful 4 days of my life after putting lids on a Jalapeno jars as hard as I could while canning. Twist lid, pop neck, and knees buckled as what appeared to be struck by lightening. I've been exercising, stretching, and applying heat to no avail. Be getting with a Doctor tomorrow (closed today) to straighten my neck and check for a pinched nerve. Its almost dehabilitating.
Welcome to my world for the last two months....
My only way to deal with it was traction and deep muscle massage....
My issue didn't seem to mirror yours as much but it was a pinched nerve.... Anti inflammatory and lots of water and stretching in between traction therapy...
Great! It's a stern constant three hot stuck in the back of the neck, another under the left shoulder blade, while the third stuck in the trap on top the shoulder. Meanwhile those muscles are jumping around uncontrollably and my nerves are on fire. I can't get good sleep for the past 3-4 nights. Being swamped at work this week hasn't helped much either. A grumpy Ben works here this week with a grimace on my face because of the pain. Seeking some help tomorrow as I'm tired of the fight.
Just talked to my dad and my little cousin went to rehab for heroin today. Little bastard was a like a younger brother to me. He best friend died of an OD not long ago after he got out of rehab and went straight to his dealer. Little fuck has a baby girl at home too. I'd strangle him right now if I could. Always thought he was smart enough to know better.