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The TOO dump thread


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I would stay away from ceramic pads. Ceramic is way too hard. They will last forever but they generate TOO much heat. This will cause the rotors to warp unless you are running cross and drilled rotors which cool much better. I run stock replacement rotors and the cheapest pads. I may go through pads quicker but the rotors last. Truck has over 130,000 miles and I am on my second set of rotors. 4th set of pads. Pads only run 19.99 an axle alot cheaper in the long run.

The cross drilled rotors are the only ones I ran with ceramic pads... Everything else gets standard pads....


I found out my uncle has cancer pretty much all over his body. The doctors gave him 3-4 months without treatment and 1-3 years with treatment. Basically he needs a miracle so any prayers would be appreciated.


Senior Member
Athens County
Stearing wheel gear box shitted out on my new old truck. Got her fixed in a day, but major pain in the ass. New old truck is still solid as a rock though.



Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Prayers sent Miller.

Gordo, I pretty much hate wrenching on my truck anymore...so I feel your pain.

As some of you know from FB and texting this week. I received a gift last Sunday from my closest cousin. It was a hand made knife. (He ain't much for gifting things or even thinking about other people) I was touched beyond words... It was bad ass and I loved it. I carried it around all day in my pocket so that nothing would happen to it.

Well, I lost the mother fugger somehow! I have the sheath, no knife... I broke the news to him today that it was gone. I've been pretty hard on myself for over a week now. I haven't even had a beer since because I'm so pissed at myself. I have no idea how a full size knife fell out of my pocket and I didn't notice...

No one on earth is harder on me than myself, this ones gonna take some time for me to get over.


Staff member
When I was 10, my grandfather gave me a Swiss army knife. I lost it the next day building a fort in the woods. I was heart broken, but also scared to tell my dad. I've never forgotten that feeling. I brought it up to my dad recently and he laughed. He had forgotten about the knife. I doubt I ever forget it. Not as sentimental as yours Dave, but I know that feeling. It's a bummer.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
WM, sorry to hear about your uncle. Your family will be in my prayers.

When I was 10, my grandfather gave me a Swiss army knife. I lost it the next day building a fort in the woods. I was heart broken, but also scared to tell my dad. I've never forgotten that feeling. I brought it up to my dad recently and he laughed. He had forgotten about the knife. I doubt I ever forget it. Not as sentimental as yours Dave, but I know that feeling. It's a bummer.

Ha, I think every redneck has a story about their first knife. I too lost my first knife playing in the woods. Not sure how old I was. I looked for that fugger for days. Still remember it to this day. It was just a cheap old timer, but to me, it was worth a thousand bucks!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Prayers sent your uncles way WMiller!!! So sorry to hear this!!

Hope you find your knife Dave! Have you tried backtracking your steps that day? It's weird to loose the knife but not the sheath?!? That'd drive me nuts too!

Hope your daughter gets better Ryan!

Ben, yes old age truly does suck ass but I hope you get to feeling better each day!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hand, foot, and mouth virus. Sounds like a Veterinarian's diagnosis instead of a doctors, haha. Guess it's been going around. Dr said big brother probably brought it home from school. Only lasts a few days or so


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I've had dad looking around, it was at his house...200 miles from mine. I think that's another kick in the dick. I haven't been able to look much farther than my wife's car.
That sucks dave. It might turn up. Most the times people lose sheath knives or fixed blades they set them down on something while using them or just after finishing a task and walk away. I lost a wwII cattaraugus 225q knife that was my grandfather's. I found it two years later while hanging stands. The blade wasn't too worst for wear but the stacked leather hilt was ruined. one of these days I'll restore it and never carry it again so I won't lose a priceless family heirloom a second time.
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Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
The sad reality hit me this morning that I won't be able to make it out into a stand this weekend. I've been TOO busy. Haven't got my clothes washed yet, and I've still got some fine tuning to do on my bow. It was gonna be tough to make it out anyway, as I'm in the middle of a shutdown here at work, but I was hoping to sneak out Saturday or Sunday since we are working shorter shifts on the weekend. Even if I do get my clothes washed and hung up this evening, I don't think I'm gonna risk going out because I just don't feel 100% confident with my shooting right now. Just need more shots on the new string and cables.

Nothing really tragic here, just wanted to whine a little. Carry on!


Staff member
Knowing you like I do, I know how it's getting ya! Maybe it's a blessing. Light pressure at home while the neighborhood rejects push deer to you. Like every season for the last decade, I got a good feeling about your season brother!