Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. This past week my wife has not been feeling well. Severe flu symptoms. You know where I'm going with this. I took a few days off earlier since she was pretty much wiped out. That's why I've been out in my blind almost everyday. I took her in for a covid test Wednesday & yesterday she was doing a bit better. She still feels like crap but is up & around. This evening, she received a call from my hospital's ( where I work ) chief of staff telling her of the results. He also told her I cannot go back to work . Sooooo, my upcoming two week vacation just turned into 4 weeks since I won't be going back next week either. I'm feeling great, but he told her the dept of health will be checking on her & that we both have to quarantine. Which means I'm stuck here. The funny thing is, as soon as he called, I got a pic of Mr Splitbrow. I started to celebrate thinking I can go back out in the morning, but even if i do shoot the darn thing, I can't go into town, or at least until I get tested & go from there.
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