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The TOO dump thread


*Supporting Member*
Ants are a pain. Everytime we get a good rain, they move into the mailbox. Glad the camera was fine!

I had thousands of ants in my mailbox. I sprayed it, put an ant trap in it, and a few days later (after a rain) I had hundreds more. I read that it is the rain and darkness that draws them, so after getting my mail, I've been leaving it open and so far, no more ants.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
I had thousands of ants in my mailbox. I sprayed it, put an ant trap in it, and a few days later (after a rain) I had hundreds more. I read that it is the rain and darkness that draws them, so after getting my mail, I've been leaving it open and so far, no more ants.

We do the same. The mail lady even caught on! LOL


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Probably not really dump worthy, but man does it feel like a Monday. I just can't get the momentum going today and it is nearly 6pm. Maybe it was the 3 day weekend we took. Maybe it is the dreary weather. Maybe I have been hitting it too hard for too long without a break. Just can't get this train moving today. Spinning my tires. Need to get some stuff accomplished. arrgh


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Bambi killer!

Sorry, I had to.

Don't let it bother you too much buddy. Better it go than something happen to you by trying to avoid it!


Senior Member
If it makes ya feel any better I ran one through the haybine a couple years ago while mowing hay. Oh wait a minute, no sorry, that was some guy that was into killing baby animals. My bad.

J/k bud. Some things ya just have no control over.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Things happen Mike. I have no idea how many bunnies I have killed while mowing. I feel guilty every time even though I have never intentionally done it. We know you would have avoided it if you could have.


Senior Member
Athens County
Fuggin rain is maling it impossible to mow certain lawns. Givin meca headache. Should pay off in the long run with the grass still growing strong


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Our shop has been in the same spot for over 50 years. We never had a bit of trouble with the little creek behind us flooding. I mean it would get high but it wouldn't flood. Until August of 2008. After today we have been under water 3 times in the past 5 years. It just makes it really hard to service your customers when you are too busy getting rid of all the mud and silt that is left once the water goes down . Just fuggin frustrating.

We did make the Columbus 10 news though.

Here are a few pics that I took from our parking lot at 7 am. Which the parking lot was still under water when I took these pics. The water had already receded a good foot by the time these where taken. On the other side of the shop the water was 4' high when these where taken.


It is pretty hard to believe that the raging river in the pics is normally about 3-4" deep.