I don't want any drugs. Just stitch me up so I can roll."
By the time she was done there were no numbing agents left for the last two stitches. She asked me if I wanted it numbed up again. I told her just to finish. Promised not to cry like a girl or move too much. I had sat there long enough. She said it needed 5 but due to the weird angle of the cut (top of big knuckle on your thumb) she could only get 4 in there. Oh well. Kinda wish she didn't have to do the 4th stitch twice since the numbing agent wasn't working anymore.
11:55 PM
2:10 AM
Well you went in it with some bravado of not getting stitched and then kinda wished you had it done right, eh? haha
Yep. Im the end I would have been just as far ahead to stitch it up myself or call a buddy who has the stuff to stitch it for me. Left house at 9pm. Home after 1. Oh well. It is done now. Did I mention the hot PA? That almost made it worth the wait. Lmao
Well I always have poker night Monday night at my spot. Long story short, buddy is pullin in, his car gets caught on dog leash which is attached to front porch, he never realized it. Kaboomy, off went the front railings/support posts. Lucky the hole damn roof covering it didn't come down. Talk about a holy shit moment. I'll take a picture tomorrow. What a pain in the ass.
Already reinforced it with 2x4's. Should just take some man hours and a couple hundred bucks to get things fixed up. At least that's what it seems like
You'd of thought someone got murdered the way my chick reacted. It was quite the scene
I hate hearing that, Gordo, but what the crap do you tie the dog with, a logging chain?
I hate hearing that, Gordo, but what the crap do you tie the dog with, a logging chain?