Just another day. Wish I was more productive but with Momma at work I had extra responsibilities. Decided to stop by the Honda dealer while on that side of town. Have only had one key for my Element since I bought it. Stopped in and waited. They told me an hour max. My son was plenty fidgety as we were there nearly two hours. Somehow in the process of making two spare keys they screwed up my ignition. Then they expected me to pay to have them put a new ignition switch in there. Had to have my wife pick me up so Garrett wasn't late to soccer.
As it stands: Went in to have a spare key made. Nothing wrong with the car at all. Now my vehicle won't start at all. Waiting on the general manager to call back to tell me what they feel is a fair way to "make it right" with me.
I told him I would be willing to pick it up with my truck and trailer, bring it home, repair it, and send them the bill for repairing their screwup if he would like. I don't care. It worked fine when I drove it in there. Going to be interesting to see what their proposal is. They didn't even offer me a loaner to get home. Asked if it was my only transportation and I said No. Probably should have said "Yeah! How am I going to get my kids to their activities now! You broke my only transportation! How can I get to work!" lol