Hate to here that Ryan. I hope everything checks out ok and he gets back home soon for the holidays. Thoughts are with you and your family buddy.
I appreciate the insight. They did move up his appointments to the Cleveland clinic. He wasn't scheduled till After the New year I believe, but now is heading in Tomorrow morning. They did mention a C-Pap (sp?) machine for him to wear while he sleeps from now on. My wife believes they just didn't realize how far along his condition was. But what we're learning is ALS is a process of elimination, as there is no test that they can do to know that's what it is for sure.So sorry to hear this Ryan. Hope they can find out how to help your dad and your family cope with this illness he has. Hope he's able to be home and around family during the holidays.
Our dad had serious scarring of his lungs due to being put on the respirator too long/much during his last major stay in the hospital in 07. Many times in the last 4 years of his life his oxygen level dropped and he got dizzy or blacked out and fell numerous times. Once he did some serious damage to his foot and it swelled and turned all black and blue. I think he lost feeling in it and stood up on it sideways and nearly broke it then went down. This was in the middle of the night when he got up to go to the bathroom. He eventually had to have an oxygen machine put in the house and sleep with it on.
Don't mean to hijack your post but just hoping this gives you some insight so maybe it might be of some help to you and your mom in the future. Thoughts and prayers to you and your family.
Most of the people I know that snore now use Cpap machines. Myself included. It does make a difference in sleep quality. I feel refreshed in the morning over waking up still tired.
Is it that big a difference buck master? I'm about there I think. My dad has one
Pink slips are hitting a little to close to home here at work. My best friend was let go Friday. 20 plus employees...middle management and up. Never been this nervous before.
Yes, you don't feel like trash in the morning and you can skip the coffee. I've had mine for two years now. It takes a few weeks to get used to it but I can't sleep without it now.
I have one, my sister has one, my Dad should have one (didn't like it, so he returned it), as well as many of my friends. It's the trendy sleep tool to have these days.
It provides more energy, reduces blood pressure, raises your metabolism, reduces heart disease, etc. All benefits. I never knew snoring and sleep apnea was so bad until I use the Cpap.
So basically you suffocate yourself while sleeping.
Ugh.. Every so often I wake myself up by choking, like I was gagging, almost puking. Can it be like that?
Yeah I saw you go in, hope you feel better, how many are in there lol