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The View: TOO Style...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
That caliber is TOO big for your Florida deer. Why don't you send that pretty thing up my way. Great rifle! You can leave the scope on it as well...


Good luck fellas!
A few views from my creek bottom funnel stand. The deer approach from my far left. I watch for them to cross the fence through the hole in the left side of my stand. Where they cross the fence is about forty yards from my position. The trailer is used to haul out my buck (if/when I get him). I thought leaning it against the stand would make the stand look like an equipment shed to the deer. Like they know what an equipment shed is anyways. I'll try anything.


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Staff member
I'm reminiscing this afternoon.. And I brought company!!!

I went on my first bow hunt Christmas day of 1999 when my parents gifted me a Bear Whitetail II complete with Easton 2315 XX75's and 125 grain Thunderheads. I missed a doe from the ground at 19 yards an hour in to that hunt. I was sitting roughly 100 yards north of where I'm sitting today.

Since then, I've killed my first deer and buck with a bow, both bucks on my wall, missed chances at two 150+ deer, and watched Tracie take her first deer with all weapons here. I've had several buddies take "firsts" here as well. The hunting is far from what it used to be, but there are memories to last a lifetime here in this bottom...

This wife went to visit her grandpa in the hospital and I felt like it was a good night to reflect on a God's blessings. I might not spend Christmas Eve in church, but I grabbed the next best seat!!!


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Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Fogot to post pics of my last sit the weekend before gun week so here they are. Better late then never lol.




West - sorry about the hand in the pic. Had to do that to help with the sun glare on the lens and fogot the camera shoots a wide angle lol.

The killing machine


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Beer was good. Had 30 turkeys roost around me, so I had fun with them on the way out! Still a fun hunt...

Amen brother! I'm gonna get out next week and hunt a couple days. I'm itching to get back in a stand. Gonna check cams Monday and let them decide where I will be going.

I like that view Adam. Those woods look pretty wide open!


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Amen brother! I'm gonna get out next week and hunt a couple days. I'm itching to get back in a stand. Gonna check cams Monday and let them decide where I will be going.

I like that view Adam. Those woods look pretty wide open!

Yes they are lol. Really not bad when the trees still have leafs but when they fall, Your just stuck there like a sore thumb lol. In the one pic (east) you can see another guys stand that decided to tresspass and put his stand near my mineral site.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Glad to see some of the guys getting back out. Great pics fellas! I'm itching to get back out myself. Prolly hit it some before muzzy.


Supporting Member
Ross County
These are a few pics of multiple buck ecounters during the same hunt when I killed my biggest ever. This hunt started @3 and I had a 6, 8, 10 and my 16pt along with a half a dozen antlerless deer cruise the area. The last autumn pic is the exact location where I busted my 16. The attached video, also taken during the same hunt, shows the 6pt that strolled through a few hours prior to my buck kill. By watching it, it might give you a better perspective of what the terrain and habitat are like.

The snow pics are of a different hunting spot where I have taken some nice bucks too.

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Senior Member
Medina County
Late in the season for this change, but I I think it will pay off... Just set up this blind on Saturday and put out some corn. This spot will be great next fall as it overlooks a few apple trees. Hope the pic works...



Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Couple from New Year's Eve...

Hopefully the blind is still there after the winds that blew through the other day!!
Hope that blind is still standig Sean. We had some very high winds up this way. My stepson was up over New Years and got home Sunday night to find a tree had fallen on his minivan in his driveway. Guess the winds were bad in WV too.

Did you see anything New Years eve? I hunted that evening myself, but nothing showed. Sure was a nice evening though.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
It was a nice night to get out. Didn't see anything though, took my son & he can't seem to get the concept of whispering, or just sitting quietly for that matter:smiley_crocodile:. Lots of fresh tracks & droppings in the field where we set that blind up, so I know they're still active here in the field. Lots of waste grain in the top corner of the field (like a long narrow triangle), and the blind is off to the side, 40 yards from the point. I anchored down the 4 corners, and tied down 3 of the sides. Gonna go out tomorrow at lunch to check the camera, and hopefully the blind is still there!!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Great pics Sean! I'd be cool as heck to get a kill on TC pic if the shot happens in the direction the cam is pointed!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Got to see a view I haven't seen for 2 years. Sat in the stand I got my wide 12 out of 2 years ago. It was a great sit even though not seeing anything. The stand is on an inside corner of a block of woods and a CRP field.

This is the view facing out of the stand south into the woods.
This is looking behind the stand north into the CRP field.
This is facing east.
and this is west.

Hung another set yesterday I will get some pics this morning and share that view TOO.


Staff member
We saw 6 does on the way in, but it was TOO brushy for a shot. We let the wander off in hopes they'll come back through later this evening. Here's the hillside we are watching. Had a 120-130ish 8 come through last night, but we weren't quick enough for a shot. Made a switch in seating arrangements tonight in hopes we can fix that problem...


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