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There is a first time for everything.


Staff member
Headed back in the AM. The deer was seen on his feet not long ago, but it sounded like he was dead on his feet as headed in to some corn. Sounds like they stand a good chance of recovering the deer...


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Ok guys.. So about noon T-5 hours I went to recover the arrow. Found it covered as expected. Blood and chunks of gut... Saw the buck wasn't in the hollow so decided to track down and find where he crossed the creek. Awesome blood.. red.. Some like jelly kinda pink. Found 3-4 spots big as my boot with good trail between... He stood watching a road for an hour after he was hit.. Lost blood 200 yards in.... Hadn't crossed the creek. Earlier from the stand I had seen a deer cross the road infront of a semi truck wit the tires locked up...

I crossed the road. Looked down in the bottom beside a corn field. Nada. No blood. I searched a small woodlot east of the house.. Must not have been him that crossed... So I Crossed back over the rd and went to see if I could pick up blood. Found out the deer doubled back and that's why I couldn't locate any further blood. Tracked him to the point where I saw that deer cross the road. Must have been him..

Its about 3:30 at this point.. Jd shows up to help. I tell him the only place I hadn't looked was the woods west of that house. We cross the road and look at those woods... Nada.... Were standing there talking and he asks how big it was. I told him a good typical 12. I quit looking at the rack after I said shooter. Maybe 150.... We look over at this house across a small gully and noticed the back yard was overgrown as its a foreclosure. Worth a look.. He said ill go low you go high..... At the back corner of the yard the deer stood up not 10 yards infront of Jd.. He said he was kind of wobbly.. Looked at him and went over the edge towards the corn not hauling balls but running. The time was 4:30... 9 hours after the shot. The deer had bedded there since about 9am.. I had walked not 60 yards below him against the corn earlier. But he was up high in a blow down....

Good blood in the bed.. He got up once and bedded again not 5 feet away... Where he went down the hill was good blood.. He didn't crash through the corn but either stopped at the bottom or walked off or bedded again...

Jd said 150 huh.. That deer is huge.. Really I said... Yeeeehhhh. Bigger than tank.. And we estimated tank to be in the 160s.... I have all week off. Ill find this deer..
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Senior Member
Supporting Member
Dang, i thought for sure i'd log on here and see some pics, guess that will have to wait till tommorow. Goodluck again Joe, i like your drive to find him!


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
I'd say good luck joe, but from the sound of things you are gonna find the deer in the morning anyway. Just be sure to get the pics up asap. i'll be checking at first break tomorrow.