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TOO Turkey Chronicles - 2014 Edition

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
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I mentioned somewhere that the way to get a bird into gun range is to be quiet. Of course you have to call enough that a gobbler knows where you are, but keep in mind, seemingly, a single series of calls and that bird knows within a matter of feet where you are located. If he gobbles, he is coming unless the real thing takes him away. That is most likely to happen right at fly down. Calling is fun because it often makes them respond verbally, but remember if he's talking, he's usually not walking.

With this in mind I have nearly stopped using a diaphragm call completely. With the dang things in my mouth, I am tempted to call too often. I now use a slate when I want to kill a turkey. When they are close I'm generally afraid to make the move to call. It's proven itself deadly over the years. In fact, I'm so confident in the less is more technique that I feel almost certain when I get one to gobble, I'll kill it if I chose to. It's not arrogance, it's just the way things work with turkeys IMO, patience kills 'em dead.

After I shot yesterday morning, I dug around in my pocket and whipped out a diaphragm to fool with the two remaining jakes as they scattered. They came right back in because their little turkey minds can only process that there is another live turkey there even though they just heard a thunderous roar. They haven't got a clue what a gunshot is! As they scattered, I cut at 'em. They stopped, and for the next two hours I had 'em hanging around, inside of gun range mostly. The little video I attached is their first return trip up to me after I shot their fearless leader. Anyone that watches will notice the birds are within 10 yds of me until I call to them. Even though I haven't used a diaphragm call forever and I'm not nearly as smooth as I was when I used them religiously, I don't think my calling is why they walk off....they expected the other turkey to join them and move on down the ridge. When I sat quietly, they repeatedly walked right back up within yards of me over the course of the next two hours. I would let them walk off, call, and they would stand and gobble. After 15 minutes or so, here they would come, right back up to me. This repeated itself half a dozen times! To me, it was a good example of how turkey calling works. Too much, and they walk away. Very little, and they come in. Don't answer every gobble if you want to see them! If you are not interested in shooting, call all you want to make 'em gobble. It's fun either way.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Is anyone seeing more turkeys in fields now than earlier in the season? Maybe it's just because I'm looking more, but I've been seeing them more often the last couple of days.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
It's funny that you mention they were in a cut corn field. Thinking back, every bird I've seen except two have been in corn stubble. I haven't seen one in a green field yet! Weird birds.


Dignitary Member
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Need to see how my schedule works out. I just might buy another tag. You are getting me excited to try it some more Brock. Farmer was working up the field today when I drove by. Little bit of rain and I might see more turkeys in the freshly turned dirt picking worms.


Dignitary Member
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Stark County
It's funny that you mention they were in a cut corn field. Thinking back, every bird I've seen except two have been in corn stubble. I haven't seen one in a green field yet! Weird birds.

One of the long beards stayed in a green field and strutted for the hens, never gobbled once. One of the hens saw him and she took his ass away.


Senior Member
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South East Ohio
I saw two strutting Wednesday of first week in a soybean field, and the one I killed Sunday I called acrossed a green field. This week and next should be real good.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
We are currently set up alongside the cut cornfield Mason saw him strutting in yesterday. Hope he gets here before we have to leave around 7!

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thanks but we didn't hear or see a thing! I have another plan for a quick hunt tomorrow. Perhaps that will work.

lung buster

Senior Member
hocking county
Been out for my first full solo today and have not heard a single gobble, anywhere. Today is my only day off and something better change quick or I'm headed to the house to get caught up on about a million others things that I could be doing! It ain't no fun when they don't want to play!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Heard three different birds gobble up to 6 this morning then shut up from then till I left before 9. Saw two hens after 6:15 fly down feeding in the field for nearly 3 hours without a male bird in sight checking them out. They must have been put on a "do not do" list by the resident cock flock for some reason.
Had called this hen in to about 25 yards and decided to snap some pics down the barrel at her. What can I say....I was bored! Lol

Had to leave for a dentist appt, dang it was a great cool morning today!

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
We were SO close this morning. Birds were gobbling all over the place. We set up where I killed my first bird off the neighbor's place years ago. True to late season form, there were birds roosted in there. Funny, they are never there early in the season. We saw 7 fly down, got some decent video of them just out of Mason's gun range just before the hens took them off.:tantrum: We circled around pretty quick, got another bird gobbling, and had to leave him to get Mason on the bus. If I didn't have to be at the shop this morning, today would have become a skip day for Mason and we would have likely shot one in the face! Grrr... Back at it for an hour or so in the morning.


spencerville oh
Is anyone seeing more turkeys in fields now than earlier in the season? Maybe it's just because I'm looking more, but I've been seeing them more often the last couple of days.

Yes we was starting to see more birds in the open, and IMO I think they get after the bugs and small seeds from the weeds and around here the last couple of days is when I started noticing the bugs out and so are the birds. Just my two cents.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Your two cents makes sense to me!:)

I should have added that this morning was the best gobbling we have heard all season. I heard 6 birds, three of which were right in front of us. Two of them were jakes, I saw them and one tom fly down.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Here is a little clip from this morning. After watching it several times, and knowing we didn't get a shot, I think one of the birds caught Mason moving. There were hens, but I still felt pretty sure we would get a crack at one of 'em. I still think we would have killed one if we had a little more time. We'll be back on the same knob in the morning, hoping he gets a chance before 7 am!