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TOO Waterfowl Chronicles


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio

All in all I think the season dates were the best this year than they've ever been. When it comes to zone boundaries... There just ain't a whole lot you can do. Put it here and piss off these guys, put it there and piss off those guys. No matter what, somebody will always find a buttload of birds working just on the other side of the boundary. It is what it is. IMO there are a lot more areas that benefited from moving the north zone boundary than areas that suffered.

I don't normally do it, but I just felt like bitching a bit. I'm better now. All we can do is hunt when we can hunt, and let the chips fall where they may.

As far as dates, I'd partially agree Jake. Only I'd like a week to hunt woodies in October. Other than that, all the rest of the days can get pushed into January and then I wouldn't bitch... Maybe.


Junior Member
Marcus and I hunted the south zone today with 4 of our buddies. We had an incredible day. Ended up with 30 birds. Limited on mallards with an awesome blonde hen, a ruddy, a bufflehead, a few blacks and a goose. I bet there wasn't more than a ten minute period where we didn't have birds in the air working. Just a great day all around.

I've got a lot more pics but don't have service to upload them I'll try again later


*Supporting Member*
Drug stuff out on the ice tonight in my canoe and set up 2 doz FB and 2 doz shells and just laid in the decoys in my snow camo . It worked out and I killed my birds .

Derek j

Senior Member
Knox Co.
Got an invite from a friend to head to the Ohio river and see if we can get a limit of divers. Just got up and will be heading out the door in half an hour. It will be nice to finally hunt the Ohio, and also see his new boat.......an 18" Duckwater Ocean series!! This thing looked bad arse in his photos.....cant wait to hunt out of a cadillac!!


Senior Member
Ina Duck Blind
I located a bunch of divers..... only problem is I need a boat to get to them 40+ can, 50+ Reds, 30+ Rudy's, Ringnecks and Bills, and even a freaking white wing scoter! I'm still a little salty on the topic bc my one buddy that I hunt with a lot has yet to get his boat out this year and wouldn't even get it out for these birds!!!! Instead we killed freaking geese...... a damn bird that's in until the 30!!!! Pisses me off a little bit if you cant tell.... not everyday you can kill divers in OH in the South zone where I'm at.



*Supporting Member*
I usually look for birds Jesse...lol . Most of my good river hunts take place on shallow points , sandbars, islands, or riffles . Shallower water usually and often shallower, moving water with a rock / sand bottom .


Coshocton, OH
What are you guys looking for when you set up in the river?

Saturday we got close to where we planned on hunting, but as we approached, we watched with a spotlight hundreds upon hundreds of ducks get up just north of where we planned to go. We pulled in and set up. As daylight approached they began landing in the decoys and continued to do so all day. So pretty much what Carpn said. Find where they are wanting to sit and get set up there.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
As was already said, look for birds. That spot can sometimes be shallow, or it can be deep... slow-moving, or brisk current... mud bottom, or gravel... around a sharp bend, or in a straight-away. It varies based on the birds, whether they're using it to loaf or roost, and depending on the available water in the surrounding area. I've never had any luck hunting rivers if I wasn't set up where the birds had already been (RECENTLY). As Marcus pointed out in his latest experience, birds move around rivers quite a bit, so you have to scout it frequently. Sometimes the X can change even over night.


Senior Member
Ina Duck Blind
Nice little river hunt the other day. Could have easily killed A LOT more birds. Let 4 different flocks of 30+ birds land without even shooting just out of shear beauty. We were being picky and just shooting singles and doubles so we don't blow the spot out for Sat/Sun. Did manage my first cans and ringneck though.