Just got off the phone with the LO at the blind. We will share this year, then he'll sign a lease with us for exclusive rights next year. I feel like I just got a BJ from a hooker. Good, but dirty.
Just got off the phone with the LO at the blind. We will share this year, then he'll sign a lease with us for exclusive rights next year. I feel like I just got a BJ from a hooker. Good, but dirty.
Have you guys ever pulled a limit there?My buddy makes big $, I do well and my other buddy has more expendable income than either of us as he has a union job, no wife or kids. We're cool with paying to play. What's $350 a man for a great spot?
I have had great hunts in plowed fields, it's just everything about them suck. Hard to hid in and mud fuggn everyplace, then add some more mud on top of that mud.Do geese like corn fields more or less after they've been chisel plowed? Makes it a pain to hunt I'm sure, just curious how that will impact usage.
We won't get screwed today. My buddy was at the blind at 5:15 this morning. There are birds on the water already. Hoping for a good hunt!
Only killed 3 today. Where they have been they bailed . Didn't even see many . But luckily one had bling .