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TOO Waterfowl Chronicles


Senior Member
I'm not near as wild about it as I once was Brian.... its just not worth it. I have to her of a temper... with a family i don't need to be going to jail


Senior Member
I just don't understand why its acceptable to be a dick to shoot ducks, but would never fly with deer.
Its really no different. If u hunt public land for deer or share private land for deer its first come first serve...... and this is why people lease..... and gobble up as much land as they can for themselves...... so they don't have to deal with a bunch of fucks


*Supporting Member*
Pulled a quick hunt this morning . Had a flock work right in and killed my 4 mallards in 3 shots .
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Wasn't meaning u Zach just seems like it is a cutthroat world with the the waterfowl hunters. Man if the bowhunting was that bad I would be done.Not ever going to be in my stand at midnight just to beat someone else just to shoot a bird or deer.lol


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Ahh, it's really not that bad at all guys. I could make the argument that deer hunting is just as competitive. Probably more so if you narrow it down to trophy buck hunting.

There are just as many asshole waterfowling as there are assholes deer hunting. The guys that think they're the duck commander are no different from the guys thinking they're the bone collector.

The thing about waterfowl is that they move and change on a constant basis. A spot that is hot today can be dead the next day if the birds move out or if somebody else hunts it. You have to constantly keep your eyes out. You have to constantly scout and look for new spots because they can change as quickly as the weather.

It's all in what you make of it.


Coshocton, OH
Ahh, it's really not that bad at all guys. I could make the argument that deer hunting is just as competitive. Probably more so if you narrow it down to trophy buck hunting.

There are just as many asshole waterfowling as there are assholes deer hunting. The guys that think they're the duck commander are no different from the guys thinking they're the bone collector.

The thing about waterfowl is that they move and change on a constant basis. A spot that is hot today can be dead the next day if the birds move out or if somebody else hunts it. You have to constantly keep your eyes out. You have to constantly scout and look for new spots because they can change as quickly as the weather.

It's all in what you make of it.

That's a fine analysis in my opinion Curran. I would agree.


Junior Member
Ahh, it's really not that bad at all guys. I could make the argument that deer hunting is just as competitive. Probably more so if you narrow it down to trophy buck hunting.

There are just as many asshole waterfowling as there are assholes deer hunting. The guys that think they're the duck commander are no different from the guys thinking they're the bone collector.

The thing about waterfowl is that they move and change on a constant basis. A spot that is hot today can be dead the next day if the birds move out or if somebody else hunts it. You have to constantly keep your eyes out. You have to constantly scout and look for new spots because they can change as quickly as the weather.

It's all in what you make of it.
well said,,, a waterfowl hunter will be more likely to take a buddy to his honey hole unlike a Bowhunter usually keeps his spot to himself


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Ahh, it's really not that bad at all guys. I could make the argument that deer hunting is just as competitive. Probably more so if you narrow it down to trophy buck hunting.

There are just as many asshole waterfowling as there are assholes deer hunting. The guys that think they're the duck commander are no different from the guys thinking they're the bone collector.

The thing about waterfowl is that they move and change on a constant basis. A spot that is hot today can be dead the next day if the birds move out or if somebody else hunts it. You have to constantly keep your eyes out. You have to constantly scout and look for new spots because they can change as quickly as the weather.

It's all in what you make of it.

well said,,, a waterfowl hunter will be more likely to take a buddy to his honey hole unlike a Bowhunter usually keeps his spot to himself

Yep, and yep.

Jake... dude... nicely done! :smiley_clap:


Staff member
Do geese like corn fields more or less after they've been chisel plowed? Makes it a pain to hunt I'm sure, just curious how that will impact usage.


Staff member
There are literally thousands down here right now. Goose hunting is always great here if you have access. I'm on to a field in a good flyway, but its been chisel plowed. I'm not fuggin with it if geese hate it.