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TOO Weight Loss - Biggest Loser Edition

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Jeeezzzz! I started working out again about 3-4 weeks ago. Damn it, I feel like I got pregnant with my wife for our last girl... I kept thinking, "well she's eatin, I might as well too..." what a retard!

Anyways, working out again feels great except for the fact that I'm sore as shit! Feels even better when shooting my bow...

Happy I'm doing it though, I need to!

HAHA same here Jeremy, I bet I put on 6 or 7 lbs while my wife was pregnant. I have to start doing something besides sitting on my ass!!


Junior Member
Jeeezzzz! I started working out again about 3-4 weeks ago. Damn it, I feel like I got pregnant with my wife for our last girl... I kept thinking, "well she's eatin, I might as well too..." what a retard!

Anyways, working out again feels great except for the fact that I'm sore as shit! Feels even better when shooting my bow...

Happy I'm doing it though, I need to!

I hear ya. From last Dec. to July I lost 40lbs. Our baby arrived this Feb. I had switched from Cardio to lifting heavier to gain size back. When the wife went back to work, I didn't get in the gym for a couple months. Back to hitting it a couple times a week and trying to run at least once a week.


Staff member
I gave up. I don't have the time, nor the care at this point to bust my ass just to weigh 200-210 and look like I'm in shape when I can do nothing, and weigh 220. I hate trying to eat right and as much as I love lifting, I really don't have the time right now and I don't see that getting any better with the kid coming. The heavy lifting took a bit of a toll on me also, so I actually feel a bit better with out all that strain. I will be ordering a set of kettle bells and some battle ropes to keep here at work and plan to start using those 3-5 times a week to work on getting more practically strong...


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Decided last week to get into a healthier lifestyle. I am 5' 9" and weighed 230lbs. I quit drinking regular pop and switched to just a couple diet pops a day. I plan to gradually give up those also. The tough part I'm doing is pushing away from the dinner table a little sooner. I'm actually accomplishing that by not cooking as much (DUH!). Starting Sunday I'm getting back into playing basketball with my buddies. I've actually avoided alot of candies and fattening snacks that I normally partake in. I've eating lots of apples and oranges instead. Sunday for the Superbowl didnt help, as I deepfried 6lbs of gizzards for me and my buddies and had a 12 pack of Dos Equis:smiley_cheers:. Lately I've just been getting too sore from typical activities and my back has started to give me a few more problems. I've always joked about being a fatkid, but I wanna be active with my kid and be around for him.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
I started juicing two weeks ago. It's amazing shit. I'm not looking to loose weight but just replace unhealthy snacks. This juice is filling and loaded with good stuff.

This batch was:
Kale, spinach, celery, peas in pod, cukes, sweet peppers, carrots, apple, lemon, and clementines.

Yesterday I made a killer combo of spinach, red chard, kale, ginger root, parsley, carrots, apple, lemon and celery and then I did a shot of juiced oat grass.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
I joined a new gym 3 weeks ago and then got sick...but in the last 10 days, I've been to the gym 7 times. I'm doing 10 minutes on the treadmill, a light lift, and then doing the elliptical or bike, and then another 5-10 minutes on the treadmill. Tonight I did 40 minutes on the treadmill just doing a brisk walk and watched the games, with 4 lifts x 10 reps each in between.

I haven't felt this good in a long time. There are some really nice yoga pants that frequent the gym. The owners are friendly, matched the price on my old gym ($5/month less than what they normally charge), and it's not anyway as shady as the last place I was at...

I've done better limiting my portions, drinking lots of water instead of pop...etc...seems like the little things are actually adding up with some persistence and dedication.

I don't regularly weigh myself, but I'm feeling good and that's all that matters. My goal for now is to simply stay in the clothes I'm in, enjoy the walk back a long field to one of my turkey spots, and feel good...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Good for you Huck. I haven't had to worry about weight in my life, but as I am closing in on 40 I am thinking about overall health more. Eating better, healthier snacks, etc. If anything, i just want to strengthen overall so my lower back isn't as prone to hurting. Not sure working out is what it needs though. Cardio wouldn't hurt me either.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Phil do you see a chiroprator?

I do, but quite honestly the last couple weeks I have not been there. My back was out when I had my procedure and I haven't made it back since. I think I could handle the adjustment now. I am probably 90-95% now after the procedure.


Staff member
I'm fat. Again. Who knew the skinny kid would grow up to battle his weight?!? I'm not sure what to do at this point. I'd love to have an extra 2 hours a day dedicated and set aside just to train. And a personal trainer that would prepare all my meals for me. If that was possible, I'd be shredded. But in the real world, it is damn near impossible...


Senior Member
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Southeast Ohio
I'm fat. Again. Who knew the skinny kid would grow up to battle his weight?!? I'm not sure what to do at this point. I'd love to have an extra 2 hours a day dedicated and set aside just to train. And a personal trainer that would prepare all my meals for me. If that was possible, I'd be shredded. But in the real world, it is damn near impossible...

I hear ya brother. I am up to damn near 200lbs due to the last two months of Kate's pregnancy. She is eating ALL the time, and is always having cravings for "town" food. Thanks to her, I'm packing on the sympathy weight. Gonna try to start running once I get the cistern finished as well as the trim in the baby room.


Senior Member
Medina County
I got pregnant with my wife basically!! It sucked bad, she always was eating so I was like why not... Wish I could have delivered my fat ass tummy in one shot. Not so lucky.


Dignitary Member
Shermans Dale, PA
I'm getting back into the rhythm again. Last Fall I found out my back had three degenerated disc, one herniated disc that was pinching the nerves and causing the sciatica in my right butt cheek and leg that has bothered me for several years. To top it off that disk is also covered in arthritis too. I was just released from about six months of physical therapy and I have to say my core is the strongest it has ever been. It still hurts to run long distances so now I'm going with short times at an increasing faster pace. I'm still lifting weights, but about 12 months ago I started a program that is more of a circut/cross fit type of work out. After physical therapy I added most of the exercises I did there into the same daily work out I was also doing.

Man, it's brutal, but my endurance is going through the rough. The bad thing is I'm also gaining weight, BUT my waist isnt growning and I can't wear several pairs of jeans because my legs and ass are getting to big for them.

Diet is my failure point. I eat high carb food that spikes my glycemic index. If I ever got by diet down I'd probably drop 15 pounds easy.


Staff member
I've lost 10 pounds since starting baseball, so that's a good thing. The bad part is it has come at the expense of my right arm. Throwing 100-200 pitches a night in a short amount of time makes for a great workout, but my damn arm is shot.

Once the season is over, I'm going to start a 3 day a week crossfit style training program I can do here at work. We have a mini gym in our basement, so that makes it nice. I'm buying some battle ropes and kettle bells to use also. The plan is to simply get back to 210 or so, while doing a high intensity, low impact, practical strength training workout. I'm going to focus on flexibility also. Hopefully I can get back in some form of shape other than fat and miserable!

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
I've lost 10 pounds since starting baseball, so that's a good thing. The bad part is it has come at the expense of my right arm. Throwing 100-200 pitches a night in a short amount of time makes for a great workout, but my damn arm is shot.

Once the season is over, I'm going to start a 3 day a week crossfit style training program I can do here at work. We have a mini gym in our basement, so that makes it nice. I'm buying some battle ropes and kettle bells to use also. The plan is to simply get back to 210 or so, while doing a high intensity, low impact, practical strength training workout. I'm going to focus on flexibility also. Hopefully I can get back in some form of shape other than fat and miserable!

I think there is a sweet spot to get in. It might not be benching 300 pounds, but hey at this point, I'm 10 for 15 days getting to the gym and doing at least half a an hour of cardio everytime I go. I figure that I feel great and that's got to be worth something itself. I actually am enjoying it, and I'm excited to be in the '21 days makes a routine' habit


Senior Member
Supporting Member
South East Ohio
Huck it sounds like your in a good routine since moving to your new job. Jesse you sound like me with only its my elbow and the tendons in my shoulders. I was doing well in the weight room, actually was 225 for 3 sets of 8, now it hurts to do 135. Ive basically quit benching for awhile and mostly just jogging. I did sign up for the Mid Ohio Valley Mud Run in July, Im excited about that as long as I can avoid any other aches and pains.


Junior Member
central Ohio
Hang in there guys. If I can lose weight anyone can. I eat like a thresher and I am old.
Got some before and after pics but would have to do some editing.lol

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
I strung together something like 15 trips to the gym the last three weeks of March.

I'm 7 for 11 for April, with 2 nights being gone for work and them being closed last night. Feeling great.

When I joined this new gym a month ago, the owner told me that they were getting new equipment in April. Sure buddy, and the truck's previous owner was an old guy...shit you not, April 1st they started tearing up carpet in their field house and were shut down 2 days this week. Tripled the amount of equipment that they had, and it's brand new. He's mounting 2 70" tv's in one room, along with a project...it's the tits, and of course my rate got locked in for a year last month. Pretty sweet.