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TOO Weight Loss - Biggest Loser Edition


Staff member
Preaching to the choir dude. Holding steady at 218-220. Until I get in the new office and back in the gym, it'll just be like that. I talked to our new ops manager today and we'll have an elliptical in the new place, with more stuff possible. That'll be clutch.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Nice work guys! Mike, you're gonna blow away soon man lol!

Exercise is a must for me to move the needle, food alone isn't enough. I'm in a rut, cabin fever I believe. Need some warm weather to get some pep in my step.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Yesterday I broke a vow that I made to myself over a decade ago when I got out of the army. I did a sit-up.

4 years ago I would fluctuate between 195-200. Today it's 210-215. If I put on 15-20 pounds of persistent weight every 4 years I'm gonna be in trouble in 8-12 years.

Some of this is is simply age and a slowing metabolism. The vast majority of it is eating habits and pop. Three weeks ago I gave up energy drinks. I would normally drink 1-2 full throttles a day. That's 220 empty calories and 58 carbs with 0 protein each. Last Monday I gave up full flavor pop. I would normally drink 2-3 cans of DR pepper or Mtn dew per day at the office and half a two liter at home in the evening. That's roughly 900 calories, 240 carbs, and 0 protein. And that's not counting if I went out for lunch and grabbed a large drink. That's another 450 calories, 120 carbs. My daily consumption of calories in liquids alone was between 1,340 -1,790 calories a day. Combine that with eating whatever I wanted and my calorie intake was easily over 4,000 per day. With a sedentary office job it's a wonder I'm not 400 lbs. Jessica and I ran the math for the weight watcher point system. I'm allowed 38 points a day but was consuming between 90-100. I guess my metabolism isn't that slow after all.

Anyways. Energy drinks are gone, pop is gone, and I broke a vow and did a sit-up. My DR and cholesterol will disagree but my diet will stay as it is as I really only need to lose about 15 lbs and the liquid calorie removal with light exercise should do it. In the past week I've lost 4 lbs and I'm at 209. My goal is to be between 195-200 as that's where I look best.


Staff member
Keep after it brother. Give up the smokes next! I'm glad I finally got off the wagon. Still nice to have some while drinking, but I don't miss them. I haven't had one since the rabbit hunt, well over a month now. Short of the few packs I've had while drinking, I've been a quitter since August 29, 2014.
About a month ago I was in the Dr's for a bad cold and weighed in at a whopping 208, been a few years since I was up there but I knew I was as I had to go back to my fat-boy pants. Went in to the Dr's yesterday for my regular check-up and weighed in at 203. Slowly but surely.... The winter was long but this time of year is also tough for me as we have a ton of running to do with the kids and their baseball/softball practices. Eating right is tough when it comes to that for me. Doc said I need to lose 10 lbs and wanted to see me back in 5 weeks to show it. No more excuses I guess LOL!


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Down to 200 woohoo, havent seen these numbers on the scale since 2009.

Awesome stuff man!

I'm creeping on that 200 mark also. I'm at 202.4 today which is 14 pounds lost in 3 weeks for an average of 4 pounds a week. No deliberate exercise, just making healthier eating choices and cut out pop. I figure if I had a stall before my goal weight of 195 to 198 I might pick up the exercise. But for now piss on that.


Staff member
Nice work fellas!

I'm still yo-yoing between 218-221. With the weather breaking and lots of chores on my hands, I'll be more active and that should help. We will also be in our office in 6-8 weeks. As soon as that happens, I can start getting in the gym 2-3 times a week.

We leave for the beach on 8/1 and I plan to be 205 when we do.


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
im right about 185 still quit drinking pop and no more fast food i feel alot better, started a little more cardio this week too get me ready for those tennesse mountains next week, but there still gonna kick my ass.


Junior Member
I was born in the south I deep fry every friging thing eat whatever kind of meat and potatoes I can.after the heart attack's I tried to do better but never lost the pounds the pills kept me from dyeing but the weight stayed exercising is the key my dog died cant walk him anymore weather sucks and I live in the ghetto so my kids dont get too go to far. But I will be going back to work soon keep up the hard work boys its tough im 30 this year is theone I make sommething happen not just for me but 4 my children .plus those wild animals need someone to hunt them with this bad ass American heritage carbon spyder.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I was born in the south I deep fry every friging thing eat whatever kind of meat and potatoes I can.after the heart attack's I tried to do better but never lost the pounds the pills kept me from dyeing but the weight stayed exercising is the key my dog died cant walk him anymore weather sucks and I live in the ghetto so my kids dont get too go to far. But I will be going back to work soon keep up the hard work boys its tough im 30 this year is theone I make sommething happen not just for me but 4 my children .plus those wild animals need someone to hunt them with this bad ass American heritage carbon spyder.
The lack of punctuation made that slightly challenging to read.

Did you say you are thirty and have already had a heart attack? Wow rough hand to be dealt there.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Great work fellas, this weather definitely helps the motivation! 208 this morning lol.

I'm looking forward to more movement with the warmer weather. Goal is seeing a "1" (under 200 for the slow ones) in the next 2 months. No one to blame but myself if not.