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TOO Weight Loss - Biggest Loser Edition


Staff member
Eating clean costs a little more of both time and money. I spent 4 hours in the kitchen yesterday prepping food for the week. I made catfish for "tuna"salad. Baked chicken breasts to top my salad greens and made chicken salad with some. I made 2 salad dressings amd 3 sauces that make eating vegetables, salads and proteins a little more flavorful. I cut up peppers, carrots, celery, broccoli and green onions so they would be easy to grab, and packed snack packs of grapes, kiwis and strawberries. I also hard boiled some eggs, made paleo chocolate cupcakes, and seasoned/vacuum packed a dozen chicken breasts I bought on sale.

I'm to the point now that I have a standard shopping list for Kroger and I go first thing Sunday morning. Then I spend anywhere from 2-4 hours prepping for the weeks. My parents are starting to follow my lead which really makes me happy as my mom (Type II diabetic) really needs to clean up her eating. My energy levels are MUCH better and cognitively I feel much sharper from start to finish each day. I've heard a few different folks "in the know" say that if you can eat 75-80% of your meals prepared at or eaten in your home using clean eating methods, you'll drastically improve your lifestyle and cut risks of diabetes, cancer and heart disease. I'm at 90% right amd think I can maintain that going forward. Perhaps the most rewarding thing is seeing my 2 year gobble up fresh fruits and vegetables. I'm doing this as much for her as I am myself so that she doesn't have to relearn how to eat at 30 years old.


*Supporting Member*
Eating clean costs a little more of both time and money. I spent 4 hours in the kitchen yesterday prepping food for the week. I made catfish for "tuna"salad. Baked chicken breasts to top my salad greens and made chicken salad with some. I made 2 salad dressings amd 3 sauces that make eating vegetables, salads and proteins a little more flavorful. I cut up peppers, carrots, celery, broccoli and green onions so they would be easy to grab, and packed snack packs of grapes, kiwis and strawberries. I also hard boiled some eggs, made paleo chocolate cupcakes, and seasoned/vacuum packed a dozen chicken breasts I bought on sale.

I'm to the point now that I have a standard shopping list for Kroger and I go first thing Sunday morning. Then I spend anywhere from 2-4 hours prepping for the weeks. My parents are starting to follow my lead which really makes me happy as my mom (Type II diabetic) really needs to clean up her eating. My energy levels are MUCH better and cognitively I feel much sharper from start to finish each day. I've heard a few different folks "in the know" say that if you can eat 75-80% of your meals prepared at or eaten in your home using clean eating methods, you'll drastically improve your lifestyle and cut risks of diabetes, cancer and heart disease. I'm at 90% right amd think I can maintain that going forward. Perhaps the most rewarding thing is seeing my 2 year gobble up fresh fruits and vegetables. I'm doing this as much for her as I am myself so that she doesn't have to relearn how to eat at 30 years old.

that is awesome man! I feel like once I get my own home, and don't have to travel 3+ days a week I will be able to get on a better diet. Now I just run/incline walk and lift my ass off to stay at that 205 range.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Good for you Jesse. Must be hard to do down there too, my wife marvels at living within 5 minutes of a Meijer, Giant Eagle, and Krogers...and 15 from any yuppie store you could ask for.

I found myself on the bench press yesterday, damn it's been a long time. Trying to strengthen some different muscle groups and do a little better variety of exercise.


*Supporting Member*
Good for you Jesse. Must be hard to do down there too, my wife marvels at living within 5 minutes of a Meijer, Giant Eagle, and Krogers...and 15 from any yuppie store you could ask for.

I found myself on the bench press yesterday, damn it's been a long time. Trying to strengthen some different muscle groups and do a little better variety of exercise.

dont shy away from dumbells. Flat db bench will deff help work a lot of different muscles. Not trying to be that guy, but I have always found that helps.


Senior Member
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Staff member
Good for you Jesse. Must be hard to do down there too, my wife marvels at living within 5 minutes of a Meijer, Giant Eagle, and Krogers...and 15 from any yuppie store you could ask for.

You ain't shitting. We are such a waste land for quality shopping regardless of what you want...

Here is a recipe for an avocado ranch I make once a week. I'm using MCT Oil in place of olive oil and Sriracha as my hot sauce. (Ben, this stuff really does not have that much sodium in it. 80mg per serving, which to me is not terrible.) This stuff is killer with raw vegetables and is a great way to get healthy fats in to your diet. For those that don't know what MCT Oil is, it stands for medium-chain triglyceride. It is processed by the liver for energy rather than stored as fat. Studies have shown it to have positive effects on weight loss and even improving cognitive function. The himilayan sea salt is great for getting vital minerals and is much purer than most salt we use in our diets.

  • 1 Large Avocado
  • Juice from half a lemon.
  • 1/2 Cup Greek Yogurt (The little cups are a 1/2 cup.)
  • 1 TSP Hot Sauce
  • 1/4 Cup Olive Oil (Can use MCT, Coconut, or other healthy oils.)
  • 2 Gloves of Garlic (I love garlic and use 6 gloves of roasted garlic.)
  • Salt to taste. I use pink himalayan sea salt.

Eating healthy is all about replacing loves with likes. I love ranch dressing like the next guy, but no matter what kind you buy, or make, it is not that good for you. This stuff is an acceptable substitute and provides positive dietary benefits.


*Supporting Member*
You ain't shitting. We are such a waste land for quality shopping regardless of what you want...

Here is a recipe for an avocado ranch I make once a week. I'm using MCT Oil in place of olive oil and Sriracha as my hot sauce. (Ben, this stuff really does not have that much sodium in it. 80mg per serving, which to me is not terrible.) This stuff is killer with raw vegetables and is a great way to get healthy fats in to your diet. For those that don't know what MCT Oil is, it stands for medium-chain triglyceride. It is processed by the liver for energy rather than stored as fat. Studies have shown it to have positive effects on weight loss and even improving cognitive function. The himilayan sea salt is great for getting vital minerals and is much purer than most salt we use in our diets.

  • 1 Large Avocado
  • Juice from half a lemon.
  • 1/2 Cup Greek Yogurt (The little cups are a 1/2 cup.)
  • 1 TSP Hot Sauce
  • 1/4 Cup Olive Oil (Can use MCT, Coconut, or other healthy oils.)
  • 2 Gloves of Garlic (I love garlic and use 6 gloves of roasted garlic.)
  • Salt to taste. I use pink himalayan sea salt.

Eating healthy is all about replacing loves with likes. I love ranch dressing like the next guy, but no matter what kind you buy, or make, it is not that good for you. This stuff is an acceptable substitute and provides positive dietary benefits.

sounds good! Might give this a whirl this weekend !


Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
Supporting Member
I'm back on diet again. I shouldn't have stopped before deer season started. A year ago I was around 250 and dropped down to 212 last june. Around June until deer season started I had been grilling out deer steaks and beef sirlion steaks, chickens, and burgers drank case of beer. So I weighed myself 230....now I'm getting my ass back in gym.


Staff member
I'm starting to get pissed off...

I've been doing great with my diet and cannot seem to shed any weight. My job and home situation leaves me zero time to workout. Even if I did have time to run, arctic conditions make that a no go. I did get confirmation that we purchased an office 10 minutes from my house, which effectively adds 2 hours to my day and puts me within 10 minutes of the gym. I'm going to die during our half marathon on May 2, but I should see some results by my birthday (9/6). I'll be 32 and I'd love to see 200 by then, but something has got to give!!!


Senior Member
Centerburg, Ohio
I jumped on the scale the other day and was kind of shocked. Scale said 230. I've been 185-195 or so since my 20's and have somehow managed to put on all that extra weight in the last year and a half since I quit smoking. Started a low carb diet yesterday so we'll see how that goes. Never even considered going on a diet until a few days ago but I'm old and fat now so...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
31yrs old and topped out at 222lbs. Told myself I'll never see that again, but can't seem to break the 200 mark. Can get to 202 then right back to 210. Been that way for 4.5yrs now.

I know I can do more to earn it, 99% of us got no one but ourselves to blame. I just struggle to find time/motivation also. What bugs me is we know how good it feels to be active all the time, throwing weight around or running a few miles w/o feeling like I'm gonna die:smiley_crocodile:


Senior Member
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Southeast Ohio
Been talking for a long time about getting back into better shape, but kept making excuses on following through. Finally made the plunge and bought an elliptical. My goal starting out was to spend half an hour on it at least five days a week. I started Sunday evening with 3.5 miles on a 30 minute workout. Monday was a 3.8 in 30, and today was 3.5 in 30. I wasn't 100% sold on the elliptical, but today's workout cleared any doubts. The inclines and resistance training really kicked my butt!

I weigh 195 right now, and I'd like to nock at least 15 off of that. I plan on doing strictly cardio for the next two months until I get into a routine, and then I hope to add some weight training into the mix. I need to get my health under control and take better care myself, so this is the first of many steps. I also talked about joining the local volunteer fire department, and I want to be in better shape if I'm going to do so.

I'm hoping I can come back on here this time next year and say I have met my goal. Only time will tell...


Staff member
After 3 weeks of hovering around 222, I decided to shake things up. Remi Warren and Tim Burnett who have the TV show Solo Hunter, are in with a group called MTN OPS who make supplements for "the wilderness athlete". They have a product called Renu which is a 30-day detox and another called Blaze that promotes fat burning, energy, metabolism and mental focus. Everything is American made and natural ingredients. Combined with my normal supplement routine, I thought these two made a great addition.

I also started getting up an hour earlier so I could have a nice breakfast and start making "bullet proof coffee". If you haven't heard of this, you should check it out. Single source coffee, MCT oil and grass fed butter. It tastes great and has a ton of benefits. MCT is a metabolism booster, full of healthy fats and provides cognitive benefits. Many people are now stating that butter made from grass fed cows is a "super food". Because I've been a bit obsessed in my research lately, I believe the science behind everything I'm doing right now.

That said, my energy levels are through the roof right now. It's not a twitchy, nervous energy, but a steady, consistent energy that lasts all day. I feel like I'm working with a battery that's 95% charged all day. I'm sleeping better than ever. Mentally I'm clear and concise in a way I rarely felt before these past two weeks. I feel like my brain is truly running as optimally as it ever has, maybe more so than at any point in my life. And... I'm down 5 pounds to 218. I feel like I broke the plateau finally! With good weather hopefully here to stay, I can start getting out to run which will help keep things moving.

If you're not feeling good and want to make changes, do it! I'm a different person than I was a year ago and it's f'n amazing!


Black Hat Cajun
Supporting Member
Started really watching what I eat about 2 weeks ago. I needed to shed about 15 pounds. I have been hovering around 175-180 for the last year. Due to the weather I have not been able to start my cardio but will get that started now that it is thawing out. So far it has been just watching what I eat. Cut out fast food first and have been trying to cut out all processed foods. Keeping my caloric intake around 1500 cal/day. So far it is working pretty well. Jumped on the scales this morning and was at 167.4 so I am on my way.

I use products from a company called Genesis Pure. I use a liquid vitamin supplement, a cleanse product, Goyin, Mangostene, and Organic Sulfur (MSM) most mornings. I also use their meal replacement shake as a late morning snack. My wife and I have been using the products for a couple years now mostly for the overall health benefits and I have to say we have been pretty impressed. Good Energy throughout the day, haven't been sick in over a year, and I no longer deal with all the joint pains that I have always had.