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Trophy Cam Users


Senior Member
Which exact model are you guys looking to buy around a dozen of at once??I can around if i had a idea 100% what to ask for..lol

I would assume the latest and greatest 8mp Bushell Trophy cam if I were to speak for the group. Maybe some cables and cam boxes as well. Depends on the over package pricing.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I would assume the latest and greatest 8mp Bushell Trophy cam if I were to speak for the group. Maybe some cables and cam boxes as well. Depends on the over package pricing.

No see I think this is where the confusion is. The newest and greatest Trophy Cam is the HD 8 mp version... but Phil said he was estimating costs to be around 149 for a group discount. At 249 retail, I highly doubt the HD version is what Phil was pricing out. However, he mentioned he was looking at getting sound and time-lapse options on the cameras. I was under the impression the HD version was the only one capable of these things... So at this point, I think it's up in the air, but I'd assume it's going to be ONE of the 8 mp versions.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Mine was the 8mp, basic deal. No viewer. I don't want or need the high end model. Hell. If I could find 2 in the box new from last year, I'd be a happy man.
I guess we just see what the deal is once one of these "gentlemen" make contact.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
My Trophy Cam, actually my dad's but I've claimed it, is perfect. Great battery life. Great pics. No complaints.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Jim- This is where I think I muddied the water. I am not worried about the newest and greatest with the Time lapse and video/sound. Basic cameras in 8mp is what I was looking at. I am in for 2 if we can get in the $125-140 range. My buddy is in for one and possibly 2.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Jim- This is where I think I muddied the water. I am not worried about the newest and greatest with the Time lapse and video/sound. Basic cameras in 8mp is what I was looking at. I am in for 2 if we can get in the $125-140 range. My buddy is in for one and possibly 2.

I would think with guys on this site buying 10-15 cameras we should be able to get the price down quite a bit. We'll probably cut out the middle man to avoid dealer margins and go directly to the manufacturer for the bulk buy... Even if we have to register as a "retailer" ourselves to make the bulk buy. One other thing the manufacturer needs to understand is the exposure and free advertising aspect of it too. There is the additional benefit of 10+ guys on one site owning and posting pics from 1 specific camera. In a round about way that's like a defacto pro-staff. The majority of pics on the site would be Bushnel Trophy cam pics.

If we brokered the deal "as a site" I would expect them to sell us the cams below what they would even to dealer.. Reason being is the added benefit of the marketing. Basically with all the Trophy cam pics being posted here they would be a defacto advertiser in a round about way.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
I wana be a " Pro-Staff "
I gots over a year under my belt
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
Noooooooo.... I didn't mean literally. :smiley_crocodile:There is a crapton more that goes into being on a "pro-staff" than just running their cams. I was saying with 10+ people on a single site running and posting pics from their cams it's like a "defacto pro-staff"


Well-Known Member
I may be in for another cam. I have enough cabela's bucks to get a free one, but if we are able to broker a good enough deal I'd use my cabelas bucks for other gear and jump in on the group purchase.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Jim- This is where I think I muddied the water. I am not worried about the newest and greatest with the Time lapse and video/sound. Basic cameras in 8mp is what I was looking at. I am in for 2 if we can get in the $125-140 range. My buddy is in for one and possibly 2.

These additional features would not be needed.

Agreed. I think the standard 8 mp model would be the way to go. I really don't have the cash for another cam right now, but if the price was right, I think I would HAVE to work something out LOL. I sure would like to have another cam or two!



Just make sure they have the Nighttime blurriness taken care of..I have 2 of the older trophy cams and i recently purchased the 8Mp trophy cam. I sent the new one back because of Blurry nightime pics..seems if the deer moved the nightime pic was blurry...I couldnt deal with that because i have so much time and effort invested in setting these things up that i couldnt afford blurry pics..possibly creating a situation where i couldnt identify the object.

Now..did it take fantastic daytime pics?..yes...Are they reliable?..yes....Im currently using my 2 older trophy cams on my jobsites and they are def. work horses.

GL..Hope this helps.