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What's For Dinner?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I'm on a roll. Nothing to do for a few days except drink ... & eat. Today I'm starting up some beef stew .....



Senior Member
if you are a gardener, consider this gloating:D

Nancy picked another round of nice beans on Saturday (and another bushel of peppers). These Fortex beans are the most prolific I've ever grown. one last batch of green beans, ham and potatoes. I made stock for this yesterday by boiling two smoked ham hocks, a stalk of celery, a carrot, medium onion, four cloves garlic two jalepeno's a couple of fresh bay leaves and some whole peppercorns.



You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Stopped at Kroger’s last night and bought 3 pork butts(1 for Ron) at .99/lb. I’m going to smoke my very first pork shoulders this weekend and I think he is too👍🏻
My BIL gave me his process over the phone that I’ll post up Saturday as I smoke them all day for 12 hours.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Dustin, his process was to inject butt with Apple cider vinegar all over in 1” grid then slather on yellow mustard all over then apply favorite rub mixture,(more the merrier,lol) Then place butts into smoker for 12 hours at 225 checking internal temperature (160+) then wrap in foil and let rest for 2 hours. Sounds pretty close to your process👍🏻


Senior Member
I used to inject and use mustard and all that. have gotten away from it as I find it to be not very additive to the end result, but is a lot more work. I just rub them heavily, apply about 3-4 hours of smoke at 225-250*, then cook at same temp to 160-170. wrap in foil and continue to cook ( I usually finish these in my oven in the house) to 200-205, then wrap in a towel and into a cooler until it's time to pull. they'll stay hot enough to burn you for 5 hours. I've FTC'd for 8 hours and still had super hot butts to pull. the downside to crutching is that the crusty "bark" on the outside of the butts softens up enough that you can actually eat it. ;)
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You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Thanks for the info Jamie, it’s always great to hear others techniques so I can tinker around with it too.👍🏻
From start to finish(2 hours rest period) how long is your process?


Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
Yes you can inject, I never have. I too use mustard as a base then dump on my rub. After 160 degrees, youll want to wrap in foil, adding smoke after that can add a bitter taste to the meat. I wrap until I hit 203. Then wrap in towels and rest 4 hours. Still very hot when you open it.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Here are both butts after injecting ACV and applying the mustard and rub mixture and ready to put in the fridge last night.

Alright, got busy with it starting at 4:10am this morning, had them in at 209 degrees at 4:30

After 6 hours at 225, internal temp at 181-183

Went full blown Wolverine in both butts separately, one got devoured and other got vacuum packed into the freezer after it cooled down.

I must say for my very first attempt with pork butts it went very well. Ron got to join us for supper and seemed very pleased as well as everyone else. Thanks for all the helpful tips and info here...😎👍🏻

Going to try ribs on my next smoke😜

Now Ron and I are watching the Wisky/Meatchicken game fireside