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What's For Dinner?

Damn you guys are driving me crazy with those meals!!

I can't believe the deer ribs are even worth fooling with!!!

JMHO I would never eat deer ribs again. Back in college a buddy talked me into keeping the ribs from a deer I just killed. He cooked them up and got them all BBQ'd real nice. We sat down to eat them and OMG were the GREAT!! That was until the meat started to cool as we ate. By the end of the meal we all were scraping the un-Godliest layer of tallow/deer fat off of every surface in our mouths!!! To this day I still say it was the best/worst ribs I have ever ate!! LOL


Senior Member
By the end of the meal we all were scraping the un-Godliest layer of tallow/deer fat off of every surface in our mouths!!! To this day I still say it was the best/worst ribs I have ever ate!! LOL

The trick is remove all the fat. What you can't get with the knife you can get by boiling the fat off the ribs.
What I've done before is take a slab, remove all the layers of flesh and fat until you have ribs and meat left.
Place said rib slab into pot of water, vinegar, and jamacian jerk seasoning. Bring to boil. Once to boil simmer for 45 minutes on the lowest setting.
Remove then place on the grill. Makes for a better snack than a meal.

The ribs in this example was given to my by a friend. He was going to pitch them however it was from a fawn and contained no fat at all.
Hmm...the ribs we used were cut by the processor so they were like a regular rack of ribs you would buy in the grocery story. The only fat that you could see was the stuff between the meat and the bones so I can't think of how we could have trimmed more without destroying the rack. Maybe the boiling part is what we missed.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
We should move this to the cooking thread!

Well, I think I'm going to survive on my own. Thriving on sandwiches but am going to move into chicken and venison next.

Oh, and I cook a mean brunch too!


Already had my coffee, so OJ, scrambled eggs, potatoes and onions, fresh biscuits right out of the oven, sausage and bacon.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
I take it your a firm believer in the hearty breakfast. Good man huck.

Yes sir I am learning the ropes and nothing like keeping it simple. Those were pilsbury out of a can bisquits, first thing I've cooked in my oven and I feel pretty damn accomplished! But nothing beats a good breakfast anyhow!


Staff member

We had what I call "open face lasagna" last night. I make four cheese Deerburger Helper lasagna and mix in cottage cheese. One of my favorite meals!!!


Staff member

"Beef" and noodles with deer steaks from this years buck. I marinated them in a roasted red pepper vinaigrette, then made a sauce using that and beef stock with some fresh garlic, red pepper flake, salt and pepper. Friggin fantastic if I do say so myself!

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Made my late grandfather's chili recipe for myself - first time. Of course, I used venison.


Damn tasty! Lil garlic bread on the side


Staff member

Tapped in to my German heritage tonight and made a meal I've never made before. Browed some bacon, removed and added the cabbage to the bacon grease along with some red pepper flakes, chopped onion, kosher salt, balsamic vinegar, brown sugar and a little beer. Sweat that all down and add kielbasa and the chopped bacon to finish.

Uh yeah, it'd sell in a restaurant!!!


Senior Member
View attachment 12630

Tapped in to my German heritage tonight and made a meal I've never made before. Browed some bacon, removed and added the cabbage to the bacon grease along with some red pepper flakes, chopped onion, kosher salt, balsamic vinegar, brown sugar and a little beer. Sweat that all down and add kielbasa and the chopped bacon to finish.

Uh yeah, it'd sell in a restaurant!!!

Dang Jesse, that sounds and looks good. I stirred up something this evening that's not near as in depth but it is pretty dang good! I took a deer roast, sliced into two inch and a half slabs, added a little water and baked it in the oven for a couple hours. Once it was tender and pretty much falling apart I pulled it apart like pulled pork. Added the Sweet Baby Rays BBQ sauce and a few little goodies of my own and heated it all back up. I'm trying to shed a few pounds so I had the pulled deer roast on lo cal bread and had some Sun Chips on the side. I forgot to slide it into the picture but I washed it all down with an ice cold Yuengling Light.