Lots of great eating as usual. I've been quite busy these past few days. I bought a new 14" dutch oven & I want to use that for my pizzas which are always a work in progress. Everyone likes 'em but I'm too picky.
Tomorrow is a new day with a new sauce to try. I've got a pork butt out in the UDS right now for a overnighter. I keep giving my frozen supply away & I gotta have some for camp next month. I did my special baked beans with burgers for lunch today & yesterday, in honor of Charle's aka Big_Holla ... birthday, I fried up some oysters. The poor bastard was way up north , so I ate 'em. I did wings out in the bbq pit for supper as thunderstorms rolled in today. Wings are no biggie, but this is a pretty pic...
When I tell the wife I'm wore out from cooking, I get this smartass look from her...lol