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What's good TOO?


Senior Member
Just received a phone call. Looks like our offer was accepted on the house we put an offer on last week. Suppose in the next month or two we will have another one rented out. No real rush. I know the family and they aren't in a great hurry and neither am I. Plenty of time to get our affairs in order. Should be a great ROI. I am excited. Life doesn't happen quickly. Seems all of our efforts today are for a reward down the road. This is just another seed I am sowing which I hope to reap the harvest in 20yrs or so. This is number three. First one is paid for. Second one is well on it's way. If I have 8-10 properties all paid for by the time I am 55-60, it should be a nice retirement income. There is no "pension plan" for my wife and I at the end of our journey. We have to create our own retirement plan. This is just one step closer for us.

Congrats Phil. Sorry so late. Exciting times.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
You guys are hilarious. Sounds like I have some volunteers to handle all the sticker orders...

Gez Jesse, you act like you just had a new baby and are coaching ball or something. You got all kinds of free time, get your ass in gear!

That reminds me, I still need to finish your sling! lol


Staff member
Gez Jesse, you act like you just had a new baby and are coaching ball or something. You got all kinds of free time, get your ass in gear!

That reminds me, I still need to finish your sling! lol

HA. Yeah. And working 40+ hours with 3-4 days a week being out of town. I have all the free time in the world for extra shit!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Big day ahead of me. Better half is out of town. I have to choose between which pancake breakfast to take the kids to. There are 3 of them and all within 5 miles of our house. Probably all within 3 actually.

Probably head to Steve Myers Service and support the Boy Scouts. I bought a Stihl pole pruner saw there yesterday. I need to pick it up along with a chain for my MS361. Might try to sweet talk them out of another set of hedge trimmers. Bought a mower last month, but their open houses are great weekends.

Cant wait to try out the new saw! Hoping to get out shed hunting as much as possible this weekend as well but that may only be a couple hours.


Staff member
Got my truck back after driving our POS back up vehicle for 3 days. Had a big breakfast from Mickey D's, now I'm headed to our scrimmage. We got the field looking pretty good yesterday, so it's gonna be a great day to be on the ball field!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Something about a fresh chain on a chainsaw. I love watching the MS361 with a 25" bar throwing sawdust at full throttle! Even with the 25" bar I had to cut from both sides of the log while cutting to length. Some huge rounds!

Fine tuned machines at work are TOO good! Insert Tim Allen testosterone grunt here.


Senior Member
Athens County
Took my 'fiancé to a property today and did some shooting. Beautiful day and we really enjoyed ourselves. It was only her 3rd time shooting any kind of guns and she did great, and is lookin forward to our next time out.

Lifes good'


Senior Member
I went to the New Concord VFD banquet last night because my son is a very dedicated volunteer and he was slated to receive a few awards. Little did I know he would be receiving 5! I was a very proud papa by the end of the evening. His awards he received were three " going above and beyond the call of duty" awards. One for an extrication of a semi driver on interstate 70, one for the rescue of a person person trapped inside a collapsed barn when we got the wind in July, and one for delivering one of three triplets while enroute to the hospital. His fourth award was for being in the top ten percent of EMS runs made, fire runs made and training hours logged. And his fifth award was for "Rookie EMT of the Year". An award his old pops also received, just a few years ago. Needless to say my chest was a little swollen by the time the evening came to a close.