I went to the New Concord VFD banquet last night because my son is a very dedicated volunteer and he was slated to receive a few awards. Little did I know he would be receiving 5! I was a very proud papa by the end of the evening. His awards he received were three " going above and beyond the call of duty" awards. One for an extrication of a semi driver on interstate 70, one for the rescue of a person person trapped inside a collapsed barn when we got the wind in July, and one for delivering one of three triplets while enroute to the hospital. His fourth award was for being in the top ten percent of EMS runs made, fire runs made and training hours logged. And his fifth award was for "Rookie EMT of the Year". An award his old pops also received, just a few years ago. Needless to say my chest was a little swollen by the time the evening came to a close.