So I decided to go out looking for antlers earlier today. When it comes to finding any, I am pretty much luckless, so my walk in the woods this time of year is more a time for reminiscing of years gone by while in the woods. Up on a certain hill I like to go is what's left of a bench my neighbor & I built years ago. He's gone & this doesn't have much life in it either. I was at this spot back in November where I looked things over while watching some tractor / excavator work on a fence line about 100 yards away. I wanted to go see what all that commotion was about after waiting for the end of deer season & today was the day. Anyway, while looking over the old bench, I noticed two cast iron skillets underneath. I'm sure they weren't there back in November, and I can't figure out why there were there at all. There was still ice in one & they were in rusty condition of course. Just no rhyme or reason why there were there. I suppose someone found them & decided to leave them there perhaps for another time. Dumbass. Just one of those mysteries that will stay with me forever I guess. Anyway, one is a Wagner & the other I'm guessing was made in Korea, since that was stamped on it.
Here's some before & right where I am now with them pics. All I used was a potato & salt to clean them....
I have to believe these had been outside for a very long time & that makes me wonder how many big bucks had walked by them.