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Who's going out this weekend?


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I'm done... got to work this weekend and tomorrow got to run to Akron and pick up the daughters new used car lol..... been a week and she's been bugging me everyday to go get it lol...


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
I'll be out on Saturday afternoon. Hopefully get the opportunity to draw back on a nice doe to close out a great season!

Good luck to everybody climbing trees or sitting in blinds this weekend. Take your cameras out there and get some critter pics!!


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
If I find my fuggin' release, I'll be out Saturday. I wanted to go Sunday, but I have TOO much shit going on to make it happen. I really just ready to start hunting yotes. I should have been out by now, but being sick has put a damper on that...


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I'd like to, i have alot of stuff goin on this weekend so hopefully i can find the time..my expectations arent too high though..at this point my confidence is lowww


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I was in the woods for opening weekend and you can bet I will be sitting there closing weekend TOO.

Saturday and Sunday evenings for sure and I might just try and toss in a Sunday morning hunt.


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
I will be out there trying to avoid eating tag soup. Planning on hunting Saturday evening and Sunday morning.

Good luck to everyone this weekend.


Junior Member
Maumee, OH
4 sits left for me. bait pile is ready, and i'll be out Friday PM, Saturday AM, and both on Sunday. I have 2 tags left, so i'm keeping hope alive.


Senior Member
Was going to, but looks like it is going to thaw out, and all my places are a nightmare in the mud. Don't think dad is keen on digging out the quad. Hate to say it but I probably will not make it out..

sent from my HTC evo

lung buster

Senior Member
hocking county
I'm up in the air about going. I'm off buy really don't wanna stick another one. The thought not going until fall eats at me. Still have 1 tag so I may sneak out and take the bow for a walk. Good luck to all still after them.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Went out this evening and had 6 come in about 5:45. Two forkeys, two yearlings, and two nice does. I had the forky at 10 yards. And was waiting for the doe to step in an opening.. She did at 20 yards and I drew. She made a slight step and looked to be clear through the peep.. Crack. Plop. Crap... Hit a stick and backstrapped her above the shoulders. Oh well, she'll live..



Senior Member
Hudson, OH
Man that sucks Joe!

I sat this afternoon in some pretty heavy snow. Only thing I saw was a rabbit. I will be back out for the last time this year in the morning.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Man that sucks Joe!

I sat this afternoon in some pretty heavy snow. Only thing I saw was a rabbit. I will be back out for the last time this year in the morning.

Ya know. A couple years ago it would have bothered me. I would have been bummed, and dwelled on that shot kicking myself.... Something has happened though.. I just sat down and shook my head laughing. For years I went through a "Big Buck" phase where i wore myself out, got sick, hunted with 102 fever etc.. Now. I just hunt, have fun, and kill deer. Maybe I look on the bright side.. I not only saw deer, i got a shot.. Could have just sat there cold and staring at falling snow.. It was an AWESOME day to be in the woods.. Would I like to kill a big one.. Sure, who wouldn't. But that day will come.. I will still do my homework, hunt for them, and put myself in a good position for it to happen.. But I no longer kick myself if it doesn't.. Hell, this will be the third year in a row i haven't filled my buck tag.. I've passed on plenty of small bucks up to about 120.. No interest in shooting them.. I can have just as much fun shooting does.