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Wildlife 2021/2022 Deer Season


Supporting Member
Ross County
5:30 p.m. Sunday, July 18, 2021 - 'GOING LIVE AGAIN':

Another test run of a LIVE broadcast at the feed station. I won't make any promises of what will show up during the daylight this evening however, I have a security night guard light approximately 60 yards from where the camera is setup. I doubt it will be enough light though to see anything in the dark really, but I wanted to be sure. This LIVE broadcast should run all night long and into the early morning sunrise hours if I do not have any technical difficulties of any kind. I do expect to see deer for sure at the feed station when I drink my morning coffee tomorrow morning.

I also had a large coyote cruise through the feed station area the other night. I need to get after him.

The following below are from the latest TC memory card pulls. One of the (PLB) location of chosen picked photographs and then one of mainly bucks photographs at the feed station and finally, the other two is from the TC located right above the deer heads at the feed station configured to capture videos that is sped up by 4x in consecutive order by date and time stamp.

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Another test run of a LIVE stream at the feed station that will go from this evening until tomorrow morning. The camera is not a night vision camera so, you will not be able to see anything in the dark however, when the sun rises in the morning, I am confident that there will be deer present for any audience viewing pleasure.


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A few choice trail camera captures of deer and the (PLB). There were others also captured within the same time frame however I only included just the following within this short video.


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The latest trail camera photograph deer captures of bucks mainly at the FEED STATION. The following video will have all the deer activity captured on video trail camera within 7/14-17/2021. The overall deer activity has lightened up some the past few days. I suspect because of the rainy weather we have been getting.


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The latest video trail camera deer captures at the feed station from 7/14-17/2021. Some of the regular bucks did not show up the past couple of days most likely due to the rainy weather and yard work that I did the other day.


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Quick update at the feed station from last evening until this morning where you will get to see three different ten point bucks plus an eight point interact together in the early morning hour.



Supporting Member
Ross County
Once again, a little technical difficulty on my part. I thought I turned on the extended battery, but apparently I did not so, the following link below is the new LIVE stream broadcast from the feed station that should be available until sometime mid-morning tomorrow for anyone interested in checking it out.

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Supporting Member
Ross County
A friendly reminder if anyone is interested in watching deer 'LIVE' this morning, perhaps while sipping down your coffee. My camera is still running and there is currently 2 slick-heads and a young buck at the feed station currently. If so, just click on the link in the previous post in my journal thread.


Supporting Member
Ross County
12:00 noon Monday - July 19,2021 - 'LIVE' Stream Follow-up:

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The following video was captured by one of the trail cameras during the most recent 'LIVE' stream broadcast. The 'LIVE' stream was basically a another test to see if my security nightguard light controlled by a wall switch would shed any light into the feed station area. Obviously, it did not, which is what I wanted to know for sure. Granted, none of the deer were any kind of trophy deer, but nonetheless, it was what I consider steady deer activity. Some of the more mature bucks have been absent that past few days and I am not entirely sure why, but I certainly hope they make their way back eventually.

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Supporting Member
Ross County
4:00 p.m. Wednesday - July 21, 2021 - 'THE BIG BOYS HAVE RETURNED':

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The big guys made their way back to the area after being in hiatus that past four or five days. These photographs of 'THUNDER', 'TANK', and a few of others were captured at the (PLB) location. This is the second time I have captured 'TANK' on a trail camera over the past year and half. He is the bigger eight. Plus, a wild turkey or two. There were many other deer that also made their presences known at the (PLB) location, however I did not include them within this video. I also have more than usually deer activity at the feed station and I am currently working on creating those videos now. They will be available later today on this channel.

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Supporting Member
Ross County
Just finished uploading the latest video of TC captures at the feed station from the morning of 7/19 thu 7/21 afternoon. A couple of bucks visited the station for the first ever over the past couple of days, which is a good thing. 'TANK' being one of them.

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The following is the latest trail camera captures at the feed station from 7/19 through the afternoon of the 21st. Both early morning sunrise and evening dusk hours had the most activity. In fact, both mornings of the 20th & 21st, there were more than a half a dozen bucks during the 6:30 a.m. hour, including a buck that has lived in the area for a couple of years now and as recently as two weeks ago, I got him on camera for the first time ever. That is why I called the video cover title 'Buck Fest 7/20-21/2021' due to the amount of bucks that showed up for breakfast.



Supporting Member
Ross County
9:45 p.m. Saturday - July 24, 2021 - FS UPDATE:

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Deer activity has been a bit slower during daylight. Daytime temperatures highs have been in the 90's. The following video was from this morning until I pulled the memory cards from the trail cameras at noon. Still, some of the better bucks are still hitting the feed station, but mainly at first and last light of the day. You will also get to see two of the better bucks go at it for a brief moment. This video is configured at normal recording speed with a few still photographs included, all in consecutive order by timestamp. There is a little bonus at the end of the video of a different kind of wildlife species.

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Supporting Member
Ross County
6:30 p.m. Saturday - July 31, 2021 - 'TOP OF THE LIST':

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These two local bucks are at the top of the hit list - 'THUNDER' & 'VEGAS'. The first photograph is of the two of them on May 31, 2021. The second photograph is of them last night or early this morning today, July 30 & 31, 2021. There are other potential local bucks in the area as well however, I'm most interested in harvesting one of these two bucks or something better for my first buck off this property since I moved here back in late 2015.



Supporting Member
Ross County
I attached a few of the better TC captures of some of the regular bucks that visit the feed station daily, mainly during daybreak morning and sunset evenings. Occasionally some will make their way to grab a quick bite midday as well, but these are the regulars of the better bucks that visit daily. It's not all of them, but most of them, a few are MIA currently.

If this trend continues of the more mature bucks sticking around year after year, I do expect to have some real good ones in quantity by a year or two. I always get the travelers/roamers every year, but only for a few days out of the hunting season, then they're gone until next year.

What is happening here this year has been in the making over the last three or fours years on my part, trying to manage the local herd as best as I can.

Below is what activity took place this morning from daybreak until 8:00 a.m., which is typical now with the exception of the wild turkeys. Each year, we seem to be getting more and more turkeys as well, but not quite where I would like to see them at with regards to quantity, but it is going in the right direction so far.

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This video basically encapsulates the typical deer activity from about daybreak until about 8:00 a.m. every morning now. In fact, the number of deer visiting the feed station has steadily increased over the last couple of months. We are even getting a wild turkey and her poults nearly every day as well, usually a couple times throughout the day.

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Supporting Member
Ross County
Wow! Those cameras went off any faster and it would look like strobe lights at a night club!😂 How often do you have to change batteries?

The three cameras that I changed over to take photographs only over a month ago, I changed the batteries at that time for the first time this year. I expect to change them once again sometime later into the year. The TC configured to capture videos; I change the batteries in that one about once a month. Each of my TCs use IR for the flash and don’t seem to bother the deer. I prefer the video configuration on that camera for a variety of reasons and has worked well for me for a few years now.

I use AA Ultimate Lithium Energizer batteries, which I believe are the best in the market. The four TCs that are up currently, stay up pretty much all year around because I have them in LOC-BOXES, except for the one that captures videos. That one has a cable lock connected to it.

I have three more TCs that I will be putting up over the course of the next couple of months. One 12meg Wildgame and two Simmons. Those Simmons TCs are nice little cheap cameras let me tell ya! I used them for the first-time last season and shared that information in my last year’s journal. You can read about it in the shared hyper link below and where I purchased them from, which they have gone up by a couple of bucks.

Wildlife 2020/2021 Deer Season


The two Simmons will be hung at a different property in about a week or two, just to see what I got going on for the first time this year at that location. I’ve yet to change batteries in those. They still have a full charge on those batteries I placed within them for the very first-time last season, even after thousands of photographs already taken. I would imagine those batteries will last for at least a couple more months, taking photographs only, before I’ll end up changing them out for the second time ever. I believe they are great camera for less than 30 bucks. I would recommend them to anyone, especially if you’re on a budget for sure. They provide all the information I'll ever need and seem to work really well.

So, are you trying to poke fun of my setups @Sgt Fury , or were you really interested in what I have going on at the feed station? I'm sure this is a bit more information than what you really care to know, but you should understand me by now, I'm thorough in most everything I do with intent. My OCD is in good working forum obviously.

Regardless, if you have observed any of the videos I have posted over the last couple of years, I think that the deer DON’T seem to be bothered all too much at all by any of the cameras I use, even though they are just feet away from them. I do believe by having them in LOC-BOXES does minimize whatever noise that comes from them while taking photos. Much of the photographs that I share are usually the cream of the crop out of the hundreds, if not thousands that I get from each time I pull the memory cards.

This year has been far more busier than ever before, and that's a fact!
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Supporting Member
Ross County
I wanted to share with you all and perhaps try to get some of your thoughts.

'THUNDER' is still in the area obviously however, his movement has been minimal this year in the daylight. I think he sustained a front left knee injury at some point since last year's rut. I have thousands of photographs and videos of him over the last three years where he displayed to be much more agile in his activity. He HAS NOT really made his presence well known at the feed station this year even though he remains very nearby. He also seems to distance himself away from the others. His movement has been fairly consistent to mainly just before sunup or just after sundown, but most all of his movement is done during the dark.


I would like to get some of your thoughts or opinions as what some of you might think; why such the drastic changed in his behavior, activity and/or movement?

I have looked at many of last year's photographs and this year's as well. It does appear to me anyways, that his left front knee does not look quite right, and he favors it. His leg muscle tone I think has decreased or appears to be thinner over last year, in my opinion, which leads me to believe he's staying real close and does not travel very far from where he beds.

So, what do you guys think? Just simply old age, or do you possibly think much like what I am thinking - an injury or both?
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Sgt Fury

Sgt. Spellchecker
Deer are strange at times….you may have a buck that holds to a specific pattern for several seasons, an example is being nocturnal, then one season for no apparent reason, he struts around in the daylight for months on end…then next year goes back to being nocturnal. Your buck could be injured, old, or just going bat shit crazy for a season.
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Supporting Member
Ross County
Took a nice drive this evening with the wife and seen approximately a dozen deer hitting the fields hard in the neighborhood. No monsters to speak of really, but it was nice to see them out early in this cooler weather. I only grabbed a photo of the first pair we seen when we first started off around a quarter-til-eight. I would expect tomorrow evening to be pretty much the same cause the cooler weather is suppose to stick around for another couple of days before those higher temps start creeping back in midweek.
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Supporting Member
Ross County
Oh looky - more deerz!

Was on my way back from town and these three practically ran out in front of me just moments ago. Two adult does & yearling.
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Supporting Member
Ross County
5:00 p.m. Saturday - August 7, 2021 - 'QUESTION':

Does this doe look pregnant to you?

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Does this doe look pregnant to you? If she isn't, then she has to be the fattest doe I ever saw.

Some of the better bucks during daylight over the past few days, even though I worked within 50 yards of them cutting down & up a dead Ash Tree. Most of the other better buck activity occurred during the dark hours.

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A few of the better bucks captured on TCs at the feed station over the past few days, even though I worked within 50 yards of them cutting down and up a large dead Ash Tree, then burned up the rest of the tree stump. Plus, I included a little more wildlife.

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Supporting Member
Ross County
Yes she does!! Some real nice bucks right there for ya Denny!
Thanks Chuck!

I thought so too. We have approximately four fawns that visit regularly at the feed station, a pair of twins and two singles. I'll be keeping an eye out if the number increases anytime soon.

And thanks again for checking out want I cared to share!
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