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Wildlife 2021/2022 Deer Season


Supporting Member
Ross County
Here is the follow up that I mentioned about yesterday within my last post of this journal of mine.

If you like seeing Ohio wildlife, then you should no doubt enjoy the video below.

As I mentioned previously throughout my journals, I have worked tirelessly to take care of the local deer herd in my neck of the woods over the past couple of years. Again, I believe that the work is starting to pay off too. I haven't attempted to shoot any of the local antlered deer since I lived here as well and being quite intentional in what I do choose to harvest. I've been hunting mainly for those roamers that show up each year during the rut periods, That was always my primary focus/objective/goal with regards to a buck harvest the last few seasons around here.

Anyhow, with that understanding, below is a video that I just put together of all future candidates if they were to make it through the new hunting season.

Nearly all the bucks you will see are those I have tried to secure since they were young guns. The video does not include any of the current much younger ones or more of the mature bucks either, just the ones that I hope that stick around and make it to the following year and/or years.

You will also see those wild turkeys that still visit daily like clock work. The young ones are getting big too.

And finally, I thought I heard antlers clicking the other morning, and this video confirms that I indeed heard correctly. You will see 'SHYBUC' once again, visiting quite regularly lately, where he was shedding his velvet, and then after all his velvet was finally gone.

Again, all these bucks are more or less, my project bucks that I have been taking care of for at least two or three years now. Hope you all enjoy!

Video description:

These are the bucks that will get a free pass this hunting season and hope that they all make it through the entire season. This video is mainly of future up and comers that I hope to see next year. I have not taken an antlered deer out of the local deer herd since I moved into the area, 2015. You will also see 'SHYBUC' shed his velvet within this video, and spar with another buck momentarily. All trail camera captures are in consecutive order by date and timestamp from 9/9 thru 9/12, as it does not include all bucks or all the deer that showed up at the feed station during that timeframe.

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Senior Member
Supporting Member
Denny... Great read and nice videos... Some nice up and comming bucks... Keep up the great work....
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Supporting Member
Ross County
Oh, I forgot to add to my last post. Yesterday, I replenished the pine licking branch due to the other one I hung back in July was all dried out. Now that the cooler weather nights are around, I expect this one to last much longer. The deer do love our pine trees and I do expect them to hit this new branch regularly going forward over the course of this month and throughout the next.

I have been staying out the woods mainly everywhere else this year. I still have to get over to one of my other setups to cut up a large tree that fell over last year during a major windstorm that we had and one of my other pine licking branches hung off it. I intend on doing that sometime here soon. That location is a must have for that area for a PLB, it performed rather well for me.

Last season encounter of one of the surviving bucks and the PLB attached to the tree that needs to be cut up that fell over during a major windstorm.

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Supporting Member
Ross County
5:00 p.m. Saturday - September 18, 2021 - 'DIFFERENT FARM PART III':

So, I went to the other farm this morning. I got up way late once again because I went out last night with good buddy of mine, I haven’t seen in a couple of years, and we had a real grand time, closing the area down.

I didn’t get home until the early morning hours, sometime around 3:00 a.m., and I was trashed to say the least, when I walked through the door. The wife wasn’t pleased with me and I do believe I’m in the doghouse for a couple of days now.

But, I did have an awesome time though, well worth it, and I did more than my fair share of drinking of all kinds of alcohol last night too, including some hard liquor. That is why my head still feels like it’s in a fog as I type this report up.

Always, my buddy and I started off at this block partly with a live band and tons of ladies until a little after midnight, right after they were shutting things down. We then we hit a few of the most popular bars in the area and drank until last call. Had someone else drive us home afterwards that wasn't in bad shape or sober. I really did have a great time and released a lot of frustrations with a good buddy, but boy, am I paying for it today.


Again, I went to the other farm this morning, after waking up later than what I wanted to because I really wanted to beat the heat of the day. As soon as I filled my coffee thermos full of hot black coffee, I hit the road. I didn’t get to the farm until a little before 10:00 a.m., then left the place about an hour later, right after swapping out both SD cards in the two trail cameras.

Once back home, I ate a hellava breakfast, because I absolutely needed too, in order to soke up whatever alcohol was still left in my system. I felt a whole lot better afterwards. Then completed a couple of my regular morning chores. After all that, I then sat down and went through all the data collected from those trail cameras this morning.

I have a different approach and/or plan to my hunting season this year. It’s basically how I hunted about a decade ago or better, which wanting to stay quite flexible, utilizing my mobile systems, and not necessarily focus on any permanent setup of mine. The style is more of a 'spot-n-stalk' I would say, or whatever I find relevant in the field/area as far as fresh deer signs during an afternoon, and try to setup for an ambush by evening.

Anyways, I never harvested an antlered deer on open day or weekend. I could have plenty of times, however those past deer weren’t the type I was after at the time. I have harvested antlerless deer quite a few times though, on opening day or weekend, and I have harvested both antlerless and antlered deer during my first sit of the season before as well, but this year, I really want to focus on harvesting a good buck on opening day.

There are two, maybe three, good bucks on this farm that I consider regulars, or at least what I have determined since I put up my trail cameras about four weeks ago. They are consistent in showing up around certain times, and somewhat certain areas on the farm.

Within the latest video below, you well get to see those bucks that have sparked my interests in hoping to harvest on opening day or opening weekend this season.

Like said, I never harvested a good antlered deer on opening day before, so I am going to give it my all to make it happen this new season. Stick around and see what happens! I believe the chances of it happening are good, odds are perhaps 70/30% in my favor I would estimate.

Now, by no means am I expecting to knock down a complete trophy, just a good respectable buck. Hopefully to get my buck tag out of the way right off the bat, so I can relieve any kind of self-pressure and enjoy the rest of my hunting season by getting out whenever I care too or can.

I still have plans on hunting all deer seasons though, gun and muzzy, but again, hopefully not trying to chase a buck, like I have done that last couple of seasons.

I most definitely want this buck harvest this season to be an arrowed buck, with my compound Mathews bow.

So, I hope you all enjoy the video below. It does have a couple of songs associated with it, and it’s approximately nine in half minutes long.

Also, when I was out at the farm, I mentioned on one of @Jamie posts last week that I found a natural fresh deer scrape with licking branch above it. Well, today I found an entire scrape line. Three fresh natural deer scrapes and all three had licking branches right above them. I also came across several fresh deer beds as well, large and small, around the same area I discovered before when I first scouted the farm, just before I hung my trail cameras a month ago.

One of the natural fresh deer scrapes, along with a nice deer run is at the tail end of the video below.

I will tell you, the deer activity on this farm is more than healthy, and based on the TC data, all the deer appear to be extremely healthy in every way.

I am looking forward to opening day hunting on this farm come next weekend for sure!

Video description:

Pulled SD memory cards from trail cameras at the other farm this morning. The following are buck captures slideshow from 9/11 thru 9/18, all in consecutive order by date and timestamp. Between the two trail cameras, there was over 6,000 photographs captured of wildlife. This video only includes just the better bucks only, no other deer or wildlife species.

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Senior Member
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Looking good Denny.... Your doing your homework and I'm sure it's gonna pay off with you tagging one of those bucks...
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Senior Member
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Denny.... It's getting close to crunch time and I don't see any current updates... You must be onto something BIG and holding out on us....


Staff member
@Fletch dunno - He puts alot of effort into updating content and made one comment on something else that one admin dint like and it went sideways.

We'll see....
Wasn't just one Admin that didn't like that comment. Funny comment coming from a guy that got all sideways over a comment he didn't like just last week.

Sgt Fury

Sgt. Spellchecker


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Ok.... I'm lost... Sometimes it's better that way as I'm guessing you guys are picking on him again...

I wouldn't say picking. He made a pretty bold statement calling medical professionals "cowards" if they were unwilling to sacrifice their livelihoods by blowing the whistle of covid vaccination issues they've observed. Naturally someone whose wife is a healthcare professional took exception to that statement and explained why. TOO has always been the place that people can say what they want, It should be understood that street goes both ways also. So it appears that Denny has voluntarily left yet again post making a bold statement and receiving a prompt rebuke. Nothing we can do about that, he's a free man, life goes on.
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I really have to think he meant no ill words for anyone here or their family members. Clearly was caught up in the angst of people not coming forward sooner that are truly in the know of things being potentially covered up. Can deer season just get here to get everyone's stress to be taken out on deer instead of each other here.
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
I really have to think he meant no ill words for anyone here or their family members. Clearly was caught up in the angst of people not coming forward sooner that are truly in the know of things being potentially covered up. Can deer season just get here to get everyone's stress to be taken out on deer instead of each other here.

I don't disagree, I don't believe it was purposefully malicious to any one individual, but it was however very tone deaf and a response was sure to follow such a statement. It's hard to back out of a "You people" accusation with a "I didn't mean you" response.

We all become more knowledgeable when we're forced to consider the reality of others and their perspective. I see it as a good learning moment to better understand my audience and their perception of my statements. After all, isn't that why we're all here, to better our knowledge and opinions by discussing them? For me it would cause me to reflect on my stance and better understand. Others take it as a good opportunity to run.

Sgt Fury

Sgt. Spellchecker
I really have to think he meant no ill words for anyone here or their family members. Clearly was caught up in the angst of people not coming forward sooner that are truly in the know of things being potentially covered up. Can deer season just get here to get everyone's stress to be taken out on deer instead of each other here.
I have to agree…I don’t believe he meant to offend anyone specific on here…however, if you make a statement without thinking it through (which I have done in the past, not on here but I have opened my mouth without thinking first) you will be called out. This site self regulates pretty well. Hopefully this is a teachable moment and everyone can move forward and enjoy the upcoming hunting season and comradery.