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Wildlife 2022/2023 Deer Season


Supporting Member
Ross County




it's what's for dinner! I cut the loins out tonight's deer, burger is from his first deer.

The rest is what you see on the picnic table 😋
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Supporting Member
Ross County
10:00AM, Wed., Oct. 12, 2022: 'WRAPPIN UP'

Started working on Russ's deer harvest.


Woke up feeling a little stiff myself this morning, but now I'm good 👍

While out grabbing a coffee ☕️ at the local carryout, I took these photos that's nearby.



More photos to come later. I'm rounding up everything else that we'll need to get Russ's deer all taken care of, and get it ready for him to take back to his home in Florida. He'll have plenty of wonderful fresh venison when all said and done.

He's still floating on a cloud this morning, let me tall ya. He's thrilled actually, and I'm just as happy as can be at the moment.

So, ✔️ back later for the latest.

C-ya, and have a great day 'TOO'zers!!
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Supporting Member
Ross County
All done, and has been for a while anyways. I'll be adding additional photographs a little later today. Just wanted to keep this journal current while I have a little time, chillin, thanks!

Everything cleaned & is ready to be put away.
Deer packs in the frig and/or freezer.



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Supporting Member
Ross County
9:00AM, Thurs., Oct. 13, 2022: 'MORNIN'


Okay, I'm going to attempt to gather up all my photography captured from yesterday, go through them, then post more shortly to get things current.

I'm having a fantastic time being around my younger brother over the past month. Lots of treasured memories being made for sure along with plenty of wonderful outdoor game meat being gathered in the process. Somethin we've never really done together as adults before because of our professional careers and raising families.

Anyhow, we're really having a great time together and it's soon about to come to end unfortunately for this year, but not before the following,

Yup, "Mission accomplished", for me anyways


Last photograph taken by me before I passed out too 😄


More to come later, when I have some more time.

Have wonderful day everybody!
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Supporting Member
Ross County
Highlights that occurred @camp yesterday.

Rain rolling in



So we moved to the cabin to get out of the rain, and I setup some steel targets 30 yards away.




My ED carry on the farm




Then the rest of the evening, which includes dinner.

Slab of smoked 🦌 ribs in beer, venison cheese burgers, garden vegetables, french fries 🍟, and beers.



The rest of the night around the campfire.


This catches me up I do believe.

Today's activities 🎬 will be shared later on.

Hope you all enjoy my sharing of our gettogether because these are truly special moments for all involved, especially me.
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Supporting Member
Ross County
2:00PM, Friday, Oct. 14, 2022: 'PACK DAY'










Last day for Russ and his wife on the farm today.

Yesterday 🎬 activities pretty much occurred around the campfire all day.

They're casually preparing for travel tomorrow. He's going to head out and see our other brother, Danny. I'm thinking about making the trip on Sunday myself, and have all three of us together once again this year for real nice last family meal together, before Russ heads home.

Anyhow, this post should get me caught up to this point while Russ is playing around with his new archery 🏹 toy. Yeah, he's shooting from 100yrds away, and consistently hitting near the 🎯 bullseye each time within these swirling gusty wind conditions, unbelievable! That xbow of his is truly somethin else.

More photographs 📸 to come while this camp continues, or until they leave sometime tomorrow morning 🌄.

Have a fantastic Friday y'all!
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Supporting Member
Ross County
7:00PM, Saturday, October 15, 2022: ‘RUSS's DEPARTURE’


Good evening all!

This will be as short as I can make it and hopefully get me somewhat current.

I’m rather busy, as you can image, and I will continue to be over the next few days, burning both ends of the stick if you will, trying to catch up on a lot of different things and then some, so I will be as brief as I think I can be for now.

This post will be my attempt to provide basically a high-level general overview of what all occurred over the last 36hrs. or so. I will fill in most all the details later on when I have more time, referring to some of the photography that is within this post or any of the others over the past week.

I appreciate your patience, thanks!

My youngest brother Russ departed from the property shortly before 2:00PM, who has plans on meeting up with my other younger brother for the rest of this weekend. I was hoping to meet up with both tomorrow (Sunday), however, my other brother Danny must go to work tonight at 2:00AM. So, I will not be leaving tomorrow, which is fine because I have plenty to do over the next few days.

Anyhow, the following videos pertain to the last two days specifically, or since the last journal post of yesterday.

The two short videos are basically a continuation of most all the activities that occurred at my place. Both are slideshows, one for each day, yesterday afternoon through today’s, ‘DEPARTURE’.

As soon as I have time later on, I promise to fill in all the details, plus provide a few of my own personal thoughts as well of the whole experience. All I will say at this very moment is that my youngest brother’s Whitetail Deer Outdoor Hunting Adventure in the 'Buckeye State' was a success on multiple levels, and I’m feeling extremely grateful because of it!


Some highlighted photographs, which are also included within whatever appropriate video below.








Yesterday since my last post



Follow up details will come later on when I can sit down and type it up, and my brother’s write up will also follow I would imagine sometime over the next couple of days hopefully. I do expect it to be thorough because who he is, video, pictures and possibly maps too with intel messages 😅

Anyways, I hope y’all do enjoy theses slideshow videos that I put together, which shows pretty much, most all of the activities that occurred over the past 36hrs or so.

Thanks for reading, watching and/or just simply following along, and trust me, what I’ve shared within this hunt journal over past four weeks, try to understand, these are extremely rare occasions/events for us, and I tried my best to document as much as possible, just so it could be shared among family & good friends. Many special memories were made that will be forever treasured! Since most all of it pertains to hunting, fishing and, he too is a military veteran, I figured some of you would appreciate my sharing of us while getting reacquainted over the past year, and how we do it.

Have a wonderful weekend everybody and,


Denny - a.ka. 'Wildlife'
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Supporting Member
Ross County
9:30AM, Sunday, Oct. 16, 2022: 'IT BE QUIET'


Mornin all!

All quiet around here this morning. A welcome change while I try to get caught up on things.

Anyways, Russ made it to my brother's place just fine yesterday evening. His wife forgot a bag that was left inside my workshop and I'll have to ship it out to their home in Florida sometime this week. The only drawback of the whole week here really.

Anyhow, I went for a spin around the block moments ago and took some photography along the way. I'll be traveling more today, perhaps to head out to the other farm to get that place taken care of. I do have some woodwork there that I have to attend to, which there's plenty of good firewood there to get me through the colder months this winter and then some. About an acre of timber that I'll be clearing for a new home to be built.

Hopefully, I'll have time later in the week to go through my journal and plug any of the details that are currently missing. Again, I appreciate all your patience while I try to get all the things taken care of just so I can get out for my first hunt hopefully real soon. Trust me, I want to get out badly, however I'm still recovering from a upper body injury and I'm almost completely over it, but not quite yet for me to pull my bows back.

So, I hope everyone else is having a good time this fall so far? I know that I am despite my little setback and not getting out to hunt yet this season, but I know I have plenty of time still to get after them. So, stay tuned folks cause I fully intend on knocking down a deer during my first hunt of the season hopefully. Maybe by next week, or when I get back from Strouds.

We'll all see what happens over the next few weeks. Should be some real good times for all!

Have a great Sunday 'TOO'zers!
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Supporting Member
Ross County
The following photographs were taken during some of my travels throughout the day today.

I also received a 'freeze warning' earlier today via the cellphone, so I picked whatever was left in the garden, ripe or not, with the exception of the herbs. Everything else is done for the year.


The rest of the photographs are when I was working on the property.


Somethin in the tree






I replenished the main feed-station troughs, swapped all the lithium batteries and SD cards for both cell-cams at the two different locations, right here @home.
F.Y.I. - I pulled all the other TCs in the area over a week ago, just before Russ got here, so none of them would have potentially messed with any of his hunts. Only the two cell-cams, and one regular TC for the driveway were left up during his entire stay, and that's the way I fully intend on keeping it for the remainder of the year, unless I feel the need to put more out later on to track down a specific deer or somethin to that effect.

This coming Wednesday, I'll take care of the other farm. I'll also be cutting down a few trees too for some firewood for deer camp.

These property photographs will most likely conclude my autumn photography for the year, unless somethin rather significate happens and I happen to have whatever it may be on film by chance.

Once again, I intend to be hunting hopefully by next week, or sometime during the following week, and I do intend on self-filming, much like what I've always done over the years.

You can also expect at least one more journal update before I travel down to deer camp (Strouds), which should be no later than Thursday of this week. Until then, if you're going to be out huntin this week, I wish you good luck, shoot straight, be safe and hope you have fun!

Okay, I think that's about it for now. I'm beat and tired. Headed to bed...

Good night everybody!
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Supporting Member
Ross County
10:30AM, Friday, Oct. 21, 2022: 'HEADED TO STROUDS TODAY'

Okay, the last couple of days, I've been workin my ass off in order to make it down to deer-camp this year. This update will get me somewhat current. I will be adding TC captures a little later that I think many might enjoy seeing. In the meantime, I put together two videos this morning of the last two days of mine. The following is some of the photography that kind of shows what I've been up to lately. All in it in somewhat chronological order by way of timestamp. File names are the timestamp of when the photographs was taken.

Hope you all enjoy, and have a fantastic Friday everybody!

Some highlighted 'Autumn of 2022' photographs taken over the last two days during my travels. All the others are contained within the following videos.

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@theotherfarm bonus content, which there's plenty more of wildlife that I have to share at a later time because I'm running a tab behind this mornin.

Be back soon, creating the video now...
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Supporting Member
Ross County
3:15PM Friday, Oct. 21, 2022: 'BUCKS@THEOTHERFARM'

As promised, here's the bonus content that just finished up finally. The SD card pull on Wednesday is just full of awesome wildlife captures that I intend on uploading at a later time.

Headed to Strouds.

Have a great weekend everybody!

Video description:

Just a moment in time captured on camera @theotherfarm. This farm is definitely starting to heat up.

There are plenty more wildlife captured on the last TC pull, on Wednesday, the 19th, which includes multiple Bobcats, a couple of coyotes chasing deer, both day & night, real good deer activity of bucks, does & yearlings included.

I have every intension of sharing most all of the unique and/or excellent quality photography of most all wildlife captured at this location, from off of the last SD card pull. There's a lot of it! This data captured from off of this Trail Camera will be most likely be the last of videos shared to the public from that location for the rest of this year. I'll be most busy out hunting rather soon than trying to maintain them for the rest of the year. I use them mainly to take inventory of what's in the area anyways, so I really don't need them anymore.

Thanks for watching and hope you enjoyed!

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Supporting Member
Ross County
8:30PM Wed., Oct. 26, 2022: 'BOTH STILL KICKIN'

Quick update:

'SHYBUC'& I are both kinkin still, as of this evening anyhow. I've been slowly getting back into archery condition now that I'm physically 100% once again. The wood work that I've doing here lately has helped a bunch in that regard. Feeling really good and having no issues pulling my bow back anymore. Gearing up for some hunts real soon.

Anyways, the following are some of the photography from yesterday morning, plus some TC captures at both farms, and then a brief video of 'SHYBUC' from this evening at the feed station, right here at my place.

Hope you enjoy & have a great rest of the night folks!


Some TC captures from yesterday as well


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🦌 'SHYBUC' @thefeedstation this evening. We're both still kickin. 😁



Supporting Member
Ross County
8:30AM, Sat., Oct. 29, 2022: 'Good Morning'


Getting closer to getting out there for my first Whitetail Deer hunt of the year. I've been getting a lot done with regards to outdoor seasonal work around the homestead and today I'll be gathering up some more firewood for the winter.

Anyhow, I took a spin around the block and saw some deer within a couple fields nearby, plus some more photography of this frosty morning.


20221029_073651 (1).jpg



Supporting Member
Ross County
Taken a break, but here is some more of what's been going on lately. Getting ready to head out to the other farm to cut up more trees and gather up firewood for the workshop woodstove.

Yesterday afternoon, I started cleaning up falling leaves.



What the place looks like this mornin, which is not as crunchy around here now.


At the feed-station moments ago.

Blue-Jay kind of a day.


Have a great weekend 'TOO'zerzs!

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Supporting Member
Ross County
This is why I bought my very first ever Turkey tag this year. Hopefully I'll get to arrow one of them big damn birds over the next couple of weeks.



Supporting Member
Ross County
5:30PM, Monday, October 31, 2022: 'HAPPY HALLOWEEN!'

Okay, hope all is well while I try to catch up here on 'TOO' and share some of what I've been up to lately, which I'm still preparing to get out for my first deer archery hunt real soon.

The following are videos that I prepared last night and today for anyone who wishes to see some rather cool wildlife captures. I spent a fair amount of time creating them and they just finished uploading. I like to think some of you appreciate what I've been sharing all along this year within my hunt journal because this will most likely be my last year doing one. I need more time in my life, and my not maintaining a journal next year will be a big help.

Anyhow, any feedback and/or questions will be greatly appreciated and I hope that all of you are enjoying your hunting season thus far. I see many have been successful already, which is awesome!!!

So, this is what I have for you all at this moment.

I wish everyone a fantastic week, and I'm still playing catchup with regards to my own hunt journal, wanting to fill in all the missing details, including my brother's write up of his hunting adventure here in Ohio, my Florida gator & fishing trip as well. I spoke with my brother yesterday, which he returned home safely the other day. He had a new roof put on home yesterday. I reminded him to finish up his Ohio deer hunting success write-up, which he said he's almost completed with it.

Everyone have a fantastic week, and don't forget that this weekend is daylight savings time, so turn your clocks back by Saturday night.

Today's morning start.



Pulled cell-cam cards this afternoon and freshened up the feed too. I'll be going through the data this evening.



Yesterday's woodwork @theotherfarm.



10/30/22 - Woodwork@theotherfarm

Video description:

More woodwork was done @theotherfarm this evening. An acre of land was recently sold and the new property owners fully intend on having a brand new home built sometime next year. Today's haul makes the third full heavy truckload since I began on October 19, 2022. I fully intend on working that area all throughout the winter months, cleaning the whole property up by getting rid of all the deadfall first, then whatever standing trees the new owners want to be cutdown and hauled away. By the end of next spring, that parcel of land should look absolutely gorgeous for the new owners when all said and done.


I pulled out Trailcam #6 and the automatic programmable corn-feeder @theotherfarm on October 6th. The cheap TC was a soaker that was hung right above the feed-station. There were over 2,900 captures of deer that starts from September 18th.


Video description:

October 6, 2022 I pulled trail camera #6 that was right above the feed-station @.theotherfarm. I also took out the programmable corn feeder there as well. The following is basically a time lapse video of what all the trail camera captured from the last time I swapped out the SD memory card out of that camera back on September 18, 2022. There were deer at the feed-station everyday, however there are many others that were also within the immediate area that this particular trail-camera did not catch or capture. There is a following video of some of the rather unique and/or real neat wildlife captures from the cell-cam trail camera that also covers the same feed-station, but just more coverage of the immediate surrounding area of that location from the last SD memory card pull performed on October 19, 2022. I have yet to get out for my very first deer archery hunt because I've been so extremely busy and just recently recovered from a upper body injury since I returned from vacation back at the end of September. I'm physically feeling much better now, back to 100% and I am planning on getting out for the first archery deer hunt sometime this week possibly, and I will be self-filming. For each music set within the video, there are exactly five hundred (500) different images of deer, and there are six (6) different music sets contained within this video. I really hope you all enjoy these next two videos because each took me quiet sometime to create and build in between all the seasonal work I'm trying to accomplish, and to try to get out for my first hunt of the season. All comments or questions are welcomed and much appreciated. Thanks for watching!


Latest Tactacam Memory Card Pull @theotherfarm

Video description:

This long video contains some of the most unique and/or cool trail camera captures of wildlife @theotherfarm. Ever see a Bobcat stalk a deer? Well, that's what you'll get to see in this video along with plenty more. Turn up the volume because you'll also get hear antlers clashing and bucks grunting too. You'll get to see multiple Bobcats, Coyotes and some rather good bucks that I'll be chasing during this November. The buck activity and signs are through the roof right now and totally ready for me to start hunting the place. There were far more deer captured on this TC than what I shared within this video. 525 individual video captures to be exact, all of them starting from September 18th all the way through October 19th. This video basically will show the highlights of what all occurred during that timeframe. Hope you enjoy and thanks for watching!


I'll be working @theotherfarm the rest of this week. In between all the woodwork, I'll be deer archery hunting all throughout November, if that's what it will take to fill all three deer tags from off that property.

More to come still yet to get me completely current.

Have a fantastic week y'all, and don't forget to set your clocks back Saturday night!
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Supporting Member
Ross County
Noon, Wednesday, November 2, 2022: 'Cellphone Repair'

Good afternoon all!

Today, I'll be shipping out my Samsung Galaxy Note Ultra 22 cellphone for some repair because I dropped it on the concert floor about two weeks ago and the touch screen was damage/cracked, but still usable.

This phone was not cheap by any standards and Samsung offers a supposedly quick turnaround for a screen/display replacement at a cost of approximately 300 bucks, so I'll be headed out to the UPS store to have it shipped out today.

I've never done this before, that is, sending my personal cellphone out for repair so, I hope that I get it back in a rather timely fashion. According to Samsung's service repair department, they try to get them back out the door the very next day after receiving it. I hope that's the case because I'll be going stir-crazy without the damn thing over the next few days, as some of you might imagine.

Anyhow, the following are the last two photographs taken with the cellphone just before I boxed it up, and right after this post, I'll be heading out to the UPS store to have it shipped out to Samsung's Technical Repair Service Center to have a new display screen reinstalled, which is a heck of a lot cheaper than buying outright another new one.


Still have NOT made it out for a deer hunt yet, but I'm working on it.

Best of luck to all of you 'TOO'zers that are out this week! Hope you harvest a monster!!

Be safe and have fun out there!


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Supporting Member
Ross County
4:30PM, Saturday, November 12, 2022: 'A WEEK IN REVIEW'

Workshop whiteboard - my first week of deer hunting of 2022-23 in review.

Okay, I just went through my notes of the first week of archery hunting, all done @theotherfarm. One good doe was harvested during my fifth hunt of the season, and then of course, my huge missed opportunity on that real good #1 buck, but hey, there are few more others runnin around at that location that have been showing up there as well.

Anyhow, much of my hunt details were already shared within the "LIVE FROM THE STAND" thread. I'll be hunting tomorrow and still debating whether or not on making it an all day hunt. Well see how the rest of this day goes. Wife's birthday celebration later this evening.

Please feel free to ask any further questions regarding this update, if any, and good luck to you if you'll be getting out tomorrow too! Should be hopefully another fun day.

11/10/22 Doe harvest, just before sunset.

Video description:

Harvested this mature doe that was captured on a couple of cameras. First deer harvest of my hunting season. A different deer can be seen further on back behind her, which was a mature buck.

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