Wonder if they were set or at least suspicious like a lot of the one's on the West coast the last couple years?Europe and Spain fight n fires
Europe and Spain fight n
It s funny when you mention the fact the Great Lakes were covered (and created) by glaciers the look on some people's faces. You just have to ask them if it was coal fired power plants back then too. Now I just want to know why didn't Joe's cavemen do something back then to keep them from melting?!?!
I wouldn't go that far. I would say that it isn't man made though and there is nothing we can do to stop it.Its a hoax
I’ve seen records broken recently (last few years) that stood since 1890’s. Just didn’t have climate types and chicken littles on tv stirring up panic back then. Wonder how many times the weather patterns cycled on this rock over 450 million years…I always enjoy when they say we broke a record in like 1913. Damn they should have closed those coal power plants back then!