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Numbers.. Ohio's 2011-12 White-tailed Deer Season -8%

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
That's the thing.. We won't.. lol.. We have 2x the hunters now.

No we don't...about 10 percent more than we had then. I will say though, I have seen a decline locally in hunters. I guess the migration of hunters to Athens may have already begun. :)

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I won't argue with that. Dang. I knew it was a lot easier to get permission to bow hunt back in the day. I honestly didn't realize the jump was that substantial.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I won't argue with that. Dang. I knew it was a lot easier to get permission to bow hunt back in the day. I honestly didn't realize the jump was that substantial.

How many deer do you estimate that 100% increase in bowhunters wounded that aren't counted in the harvest totals. Data that I have found from other states says between 2-4 wounded per succesful harvest.
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Senior Member
Hudson, OH
If 25% of all bowhunters shoot, recover and report a kill (meaning 75% are not successful) the increase in hunters over this period equates to 47,500 deer killed per year...

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brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I would hate to guess. I know it's an ugly fact that it happens even with experienced hunters. Much higher with newer recruits I would guess. And, what has always bothered me most, many crossbow hunters haven't a clue how to make an arrow shoot straight with a broadhead on...one reason I am such a proponent of mechs in Ohio...I want the novice to hit where they aim. I couldn't tell you how many folks I've helped with "tuning" arrows/crossbows. It isn't that I'm overly nice, but genuinely concerned about lost game. This is the main reason I wish I knew how to get mandatory bowhunter ed implemented in Ohio.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I should say, I am well aware that it is not only crossbow hunters that have this stumbling block. Back in the day, I knew a lot of vertical bow hunters that never fired a broadhead down range until a deer was there to catch it.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Don't know if people saw this or not when Sam posted it...

If true And personally I don;t doubt it, this would put our harvest numbers once the additional 25% goal is reached at 164,774 total harvest...

which is below the harvest in 1995 of 179,543
And around the harvest in 2001 of 165,124

How can they set a percentage when they already admitted they have no idea how many deer we even have? Maybe I missed something......I just don't get it!


Dignitary Member
Staff member
How can they set a percentage when they already admitted they have no idea how many deer we even have? Maybe I missed something......I just don't get it!

Well they only said that after we basically disproved every data point they "claimed" to be using to justify their herd reductions. The most damming being the deer vehicle accident stats they said specifically was a key component. Those numbers showed a -33% decline yet they continued to increase harvest opportunities.

And "they" never really publicly said it. Rex told us Tonk said that to him personally. But the key is in the wording.. He said they would no longer "publicly release" the herd estimate.... Not that they wouldn't continue to utilize the flawed number behind closed doors.

I think the most damming part is them admitting a model they used for 7 years is flawed and inaccurate. Yet they had no problem throwing that number around like candy for 7 years until some people started proving their method BS by using their own statements against them.

The bottom line is. We were sold a hill of beans to make us go along with the herd reductions. The very people we trusted, used us to screw ourselves.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
And the numbers are down even with the warmest total deer season we've seen in 3 years? I know many-many guys who deer hunt from the couch when it gets cold...........That means more hunters out this year and less deer taken. I'm far from a Rocket Scientist, but I see a need to reduce the take and go back to the Original Game Check.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Deer-vehicle Accidents
Because they represent a significant cost to
the public, the DOW has monitored deer-vehicle
accident trends since the 1940s. Moreover, deervehicle
accident trends should reflect fluctuations
in deer populations
if changes in traffic volume are
considered and accident reporting rates do not vary
over time.

Interresting lol.


*Supporting Member*
I guess I will say it but statewide as a whole I don't don't have any issues with fewer deer. I do think there are some counties which are hurting but luckily I haven't seen it in any of the counties I hunt. I have hunted alot of regions of the state over the yrs and have gotten to enjoy the subtle differences in deer hunting the regions of the state. I moved this yr to a new region so I don't have any past knowledge of what the deer herd used to be around here but even with hunting new ground that I shared with multiple hunters I still shot multiple mature does, passed alot more does and bucks, and shot a so-so buck. I have no complaints. While I can understand your outcry over fewer deer I for one think you sound like a doomsday preacher standing on a box spouting fire and brimstone. Please don't jump all over me or get pizzed off. Just giving you my perspective, which may be totally off base. I hope you reach a favorable outcome for you. I just hope whatever the outcome I can wack a few does to throw some meat in the freezer. I don't live off it but Jesus, I need some way to justify all the money I spend on bowhunting stuff..lol.
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Dignitary Member
Staff member

What does that have to do with the price of tea in china?

So Jesse says this is disgusting
"Tonk said that only 3 counties were within 25% of goal population. 85 counties were over the goal pop by at least 25%. Columbiana county, with a 19% harvest decline, was between 25% and 50% over goal population."""

And tonks reply is basically " I know we just had the worst season in 7 years and jacked up hunting in the majority of Ohio, so hunt the isolated pockets we haven't fucked up yet"" but oh, enjoy that while you can because our goal is to jack that up too.
I concede that overall deer numbers are down statewide and beyond a shadow of a doubt, we have wiped them out in Fayette Co. I’m over 100 hunters into my informal phone survey, (BBBC members from all over Ohio), and over 90% have said that deer numbers are noticeably down in their area.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
How many deer do you estimate that 100% increase in bowhunters wounded that aren't counted in the harvest totals. Data that I have found from other states says between 2-4 wounded per succesful harvest.

I hope like hell it's not that high....that's some bad PR for bowhunters and with the newest bow technology that's fuggin horrible if it's true.


Dignitary Member
Staff member

I hope like hell it's not that high....that's some bad PR for bowhunters and with the newest bow technology that's fuggin horrible if it's true.

I'll find the study again.. But it was a shocking number in that range.. And you have to remember the new technology tends to make people lazy, some have a "just add woods" mentality. They go to wal-mart and buy a crossbow in a box, or gander Mtn grab one off the shelf, buy some arrows and they think they're a bowhunter.


Senior Member
I'll find the study again.. But it was a shocking number in that range.. And you have to remember the new technology tends to make people lazy, some have a "just add woods" mentality. They go to wal-mart and buy a crossbow in a box, or gander Mtn grab one off the shelf, buy some arrows and they think they're a bowhunter.

It's just not crossbows brother.. I have a couple of buddies who sold the crossbows to get compounds, for more of a "challenge". They have wounded more deer in 1 season than I have in a lifetime.. There are a couple on here like that....