Junior Member
Heres the way I see it folks.....If you dont think there are enough deer then there is only one thing you can do....STOP SHOOTING THEM! No ifs ands or buts....If ya didnt have extra money would you go buy a new car????? Resorting to shooting button bucks is not a logical practice either....Because then you just took one buck from your herd that could have been your shooter in 3 or 4 more years....
Everyones taste is different..I dont have to see deer every sit...Some do..but what I do know is, if I felt I wasnt seeing the deer I was in the past, I would implement changes to my practices to counter it.
Kaiser, that is good in theory, but it ends there. For most of us who hunt public land or tiny parcels of private land, not shooting a deer would just mean one more for the neighbor to shoot. The only way to rebound the population is to limit the number of deer allowable for our neighbor to shoot, and limit the opportunities they have to shoot those deer. If you have access to many acres , then deer season could be open year round and it would not effect you because you have control over what is killed in your hunting area. For the majority of us living in the real world though, we are sitting here and watching the creature that we have came to love, depleted right before our eyes. The worst part of the whole deal is the DOW is both the coach and the cheerleader for this whole deal, and many of these neighbors buy into the DOW's "Wack a doe" mentality. It just flat sucks. The DOW has done many things right, but they have this dead wrong. I have been preaching it for the past five years, and others thought I was just a bad hunter and a whiner. So glad more people are starting to finally see what is going on here. I have confidence that in the near future the sportsmen and women of Ohio will break through the red tape that has been placed by politics and special interest groups within the ODNR, and responsible management of our resources will once again be ours. Until then it is extremely important that all of us attend the ODNR open house meetings next month, and continually contact authorities of the ODNR. A few voices will just be a whisper, it will take thousands to make a scream.
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