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Numbers.. Ohio's 2011-12 White-tailed Deer Season -8%


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
Ok. I deleted the links. But the "randomness" excuse is a load of shit and you know it. You have to enter your odnr customer number off your license. Which means respondents have to have a valid hunting license number.. If you open it up for anyone and everyone to take, how much more fucking random can you get? Put it on the odnr homepage how much more random can you get? If you ask me it sounds like the decks being stacked. How do you limit something then claim randomness?

So he gets to spout his bullshit about the herd being too big, and we need to do reductions, and we have too many deer in every danmn PR interview he does, then present a survey. But you can't factor in guys on websites like OS and TOO etc who are informed and probably the best sportsmen you'll find in this state? Nope. He wants the mushrooms he's kept in the dark and fed bullshit. I guess the opinions only matter if they are not ours. Which means he's angling for the data he wants to hear. Same old bs.

I will let him preserve his little survey, I am going to see the data anyway. It will be very interesting to see the contrast between his and mine. :)

Sounds more like a controlled experiment...

Mike, what is gained by limiting the sample set? Perhaps it is different in wildlife management, but in my line of work, a 10% sample set (assuming all recipients respond) doesn't provide a sound representation of the subject being evaluated.

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Tatonka guide.
Ok. I deleted the links. But the "randomness" excuse is a load of shit and you know it. You have to enter your odnr customer number off your license. Which means respondents have to have a valid hunting license number.. If you open it up for anyone and everyone to take, how much more fucking random can you get? Put it on the odnr homepage how much more random can you get? If you ask me it sounds like the decks being stacked. How do you limit something then claim randomness?

So he gets to spout his bullshit about the herd being too big, and we need to do reductions, and we have too many deer in every danmn PR interview he does, then present a survey. But you can't factor in guys on websites like OS and TOO etc who are informed and probably the best sportsmen you'll find in this state? Nope. He wants the mushrooms he's kept in the dark and fed bullshit. I guess the opinions only matter if they are not ours. Which means he's angling for the data he wants to hear. Same old bs.

I will let him preserve his little survey, I am going to see the data anyway. It will be very interesting to see the contrast between his and mine. :)
interesting theory but if they are not going to count anyone who was not on the original list, it matters not who responds to the survey because it will not be counted. I say put it back up. I am fucking tired of the lame god dammed excuses I hear time and fucking time again about "nobody complaining" stuff it down their fuckin pipe and then ask their superiors if they saw ALL the responses to the survey. they are as god dam legit as the next fuckin' dumbass that gets sent an email. I'm getting real fuckin agitated get told to sit down and shut the hell up..

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Guys - the online survey is only valid and will only be taken seriously by the DOW if it is totally random and unbiased. DO NOT fill one out unless you were one of the 40,000 people who received one...and yes, they know who did and did not get one.

I bought a damn license and tag, I'll take the damn survey.

That was simple.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
interesting theory but if they are not going to count anyone who was not on the original list, it matters not who responds to the survey because it will not be counted. I say put it back up. I am fucking tired of the lame god dammed excuses I hear time and fucking time again about "nobody complaining" stuff it down their fuckin pipe and then ask their superiors if they saw ALL the responses to the survey. they are as god dam legit as the next fuckin' dumbass that gets sent an email. I'm getting real fuckin agitated get told to sit down and shut the hell up..

So very true. If its like mrex said and they know who they sent it to and the rest won't be counted. Then they can simply remove the "invalid results". No harm no foul right? And they'll have another data set compare. But give it time milo.. Let him do his little survey and well see what the data says. We already know they're cooking the books. This just goes one step further into proving it. All in due time brother, all in due time. Well show them what a real public opinion survey looks like.


Dignitary Member
Staff member

I don't always do random surveys..

But when I do, I handpick the 8% who get to participate... Stay quiet my friends.
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Tatonka guide.
limited data sets only are used when you want to control the outcome of the test. the survey is bulls hit because they ask you where and what county you tagged your deer in. Thats pretty much it besides the choice to select a to how much the the herd has either increased or decreased. The problem is i hunted 4 counties this year and only tagged in one..never asked how well the herd was in the counties i hunted in and were not successful.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
So bottom line, they can send it to everyone who (let's just say as an example) who killed 2 or more deer......or bought 3 tags and killed 3 deer... or basicly whatever category they want to? That's sounds a little crooked to me..............Just saying.

That would be fair like reading review's about Dodge trucks posted at a Dodge Truck Dealership!
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
limited data sets only are used when you want to control the outcome of the test. the survey is bulls hit because they ask you where and what county you tagged your deer in. Thats pretty much it besides the choice to select a to how much the the herd has either increased or decreased. The problem is i hunted 4 counties this year and only tagged in one..never asked how well the herd was in the counties i hunted in and were not successful.

Correct and if you noticed I think the question specifically asked in the county you hunted the most in and was there an increase or decrease.... The question by design is slanted to give the best possible result. Hunters are going to hunt in the best county they have available to them. Think about it. I hunted champaign, and Vinton this year but only vinton once since there arent any deer.. I spent most of my time in champaign which still has deer. So the shot out Vinton problwm will be ignored and they'll get the data for champaign where I moved after Vinton went to shit. I have no previous year basis for the population in champaign, all I know is there are more deer there than where I quit hunting due to lack of deer.

It should have asked about the decrease / increase question for EVERY county you hunted.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member

Correct and if you noticed I think the question specifically asked in the county you hunted the most in and was there an increase or decrease.... The question by design is slanted to give the best possible result. Hunters are going to hunt in the best county they have available to them. Think about it. I hunted champaign, and Vinton this year but only vinton once since there arent any deer.. I spent most of my time in champaign which still has deer. So the shot out Vinton problwm will be ignored and they'll get the data for champaign where I moved after Vinton went to shit. I have no previous year basis for the population in champaign, all I know is there are more deer there than where I quit hunting due to lack of deer.

It should have asked about the decrease / increase question for EVERY county you hunted.

You guys are out of control... honestly. Joe, your theory about hunting most where you see the most deer is not always true. I see the most deer in Carroll County... But I actually hunted the most in Morgan County this year, while on my rut trip. And next year I'll probably hunt most in Medina County, because it's where I live... but I bet I still see more deer in Carroll County.

I really can't comprehend why you guys are arguing against Mike's point of disturbing the randomness of the survey. How is it not effecting the randomness of it????? You posted the link in a discussion thread that is 90% made up of opinions pointing the finger at ODNR doing hunters wrong. It's blatantly obvious that that stacks the deck in YOUR favor here.

Jesus Christ, guys... quit worrying about the damn survey. If you got the mail and email correspondence, then fucking take the survey. If you didn't, don't worry about it... go to the open houses instead.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
got mine by e mail. filled it out last week. dont think its gonna matter anyway. they will do whatever they want no matter what the survey says.

insurance companies run this country anyway. might as well face the fact that they control hunting too.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
You guys are out of control... honestly. Joe, your theory about hunting most where you see the most deer is not always true. I see the most deer in Carroll County... But I actually hunted the most in Morgan County this year, while on my rut trip. And next year I'll probably hunt most in Medina County, because it's where I live... but I bet I still see more deer in Carroll County.

I really can't comprehend why you guys are arguing against Mike's point of disturbing the randomness of the survey. How is it not effecting the randomness of it????? You posted the link in a discussion thread that is 90% made up of opinions pointing the finger at ODNR doing hunters wrong. It's blatantly obvious that that stacks the deck in YOUR favor here.

Jesus Christ, guys... quit worrying about the damn survey. If you got the mail and email correspondence, then fucking take the survey. If you didn't, don't worry about it... go to the open houses instead.

If you pick the participants. And you limit the responses then that is nowhere near " random"

If you hunt more than one county then the increase decrease question should be asked for EVERY county not just the one the individual chose to hunt the most.. It slants the question dramatically towards the chosen county. An unbiased opinion would e all inclusive not limiting to the one the hunter picked out of the group which will more times than not be the best one. He asked about ever season and the counties hunted for each. How hard would it have been to include the increase decrease question for each and assign a value for days afield in each...

And yes I assume the data from this site woe be slanted... BUT IT SHOULD STILL BE COUNTED. Just like ever other Tom dick and Harry they limited it to.. That's called a survey. Where you take the average of EVERYONE.

Nobody is off their rocker. The survey is flawed severely.

The open house is worthless and you know it. It is not a solid data set that can be pointed at and SHOWN on paper... It's an unorganized and not unified response where they can limit discussion. If it gets heated it'll only sound like a hen party and they can conspire to say it was "over run" with a bunch of radicals with one point of view. Don't you watch the news and what happened at every town hall.. When pissed people showed up to voice their opinion they were cast off as Infiltrating radicals and called teabaggers.. It wasn't until the ink dried on the ballots that the truth was evident. They werent. And we saw the largest congressional turnover in history... If they want the truth then have an unbiased server and open it up to all. If you only want what you wan to hear then limit responses to those you chose and slant the question.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
If you pick the participants. And you limit the responses then that is nowhere near " random"

How do you know how the participants were chosen? How do you know that someone "picked" them? How do you know it wasn't computer-generated at random?


Staff member
I did not receive one. Instead, I honestly and unbiasedly answered the online survey made available to via the wild, wonderful web. Ta da...


Tatonka guide.
How do you know how the participants were chosen? How do you know that someone "picked" them? How do you know it wasn't computer-generated at random?

Im assuming its flawed on a couple fronts.

we still have 750,000 deer and we have had that many for 5 years ....
we cant count a flippin deer herd to save our ass ...
and every method we have used to base everything off of is now thrown out...
and fayette county had more deer killed on the road than in hunting season....
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Tatonka guide.
somebody please tell me how more (honest and uninfluenced) data is a bad thing? I'd love to hear it but yet to witness it.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I just wish my personal sightings mirrored the growing deer herd. I'm telling ya, I should be in high-cotton. I don't think I had more than a half dozen hunts through the entire second half of the 90's where I didn't see a deer. Now that we have so many, I have a heck of a time finding them.