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favorite call and why

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I gotta say, I expected a little more from the great one.

I should put up an audio of me running a box call. It sounds like a ....wait for it.....turkey. But, not like any other turkey or turkey caller you have ever heard. I have my own technique, too.



thanks ross.

Hehe..yeah..I wont win any calling contests..but when im runnin and gunnin and that gobbler is a couple hundred yards away and he hears me coming up the backside of the ridge it absolutely drives him crazy. Like i said..its more of a distance locating technique...its really not for closing the deal. Just the purring and putts on occasion.

Brock..Put it on..i wanna hear it. Any box call is music to my ears.
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Here's a series of cutting with alil purring and 2 yelps. i moved farther back away from the vid cam this time. Im about 50 yards away..if i was 100 yards it would sound even better. and im sure if i was 5 miles from the vid id sound better to most you folks..:) but anyhows.. This is actually a different box call that i use for cutting only.

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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Ok, I'll admit mounty... That sounds pretty good, especially coming from a box call. Pass me the crow... :)


Thanks JB..

Its really effective for runnin and gunning. If there's a gobb in the area, he will hammer away at me..however..it doesnt mean i can get em in close..I still have the same problem everyone else has and thats closing the deal. Its always a battle to no end and rarely easy.

Brock...Thats cuz on the first vid im only 30 feet from the vid..the closer i am the lousier i sound.

Jack..Its one box.


*Supporting member*
Here's a series of cutting with alil purring and 2 yelps. i moved farther back away from the vid cam this time. Im about 50 yards away..if i was 100 yards it would sound even better. and im sure if i was 5 miles from the vid id sound better to most you folks..:) but anyhows.. This is actually a different box call that i use for cutting only.

The cuts/clucks/purrs sound great, especially for a box but the cadence is an "alarm put."



I try not to space them out to long..Alarm putts are usually spaced out by a few seconds. Putt...2 0r 3 seconds Putt...2 or 3 seconds Putt..2 or 3 seconds..Your right..i dont wanna do that cadence.


*Supporting member*

I try not to space them out to long..Alarm putts are usually spaced out by a few seconds. Putt...2 0r 3 seconds Putt...2 or 3 seconds Putt..2 or 3 seconds..Your right..i dont wanna do that cadence.

I see what you're saying, however, a cluck and purr and an alarm put are often indistinguishable. Sometimes I think the only way the turkeys can tell is by body language. I usually only use those sounds when the gobbler is just over the rise and I can scratch leaves with my hand.

I've been asked to judge a lot of calling competitions over the years including our state contest, (sure hope I don't lose anymore of Darron's respect for saying that), and I would score you well in a friction contest.

Phil - here's some good stuff for you to listen to...this is a Georgia hen recorded with an iphone last weekend.



Senior Member
HEre is my take on calling turkeys!! Again, Im no expert, I am quite possibly one of the worst turkey hunters in the world! But.....TUrkeys are like ducks and deer and every other animal....including humans! THey all sound different. I have heard some of the worst callers in the world outcall guys that are awesome callers on live flocks of ducks! I beleive turkeys are the same way....IMO the key is volume and how often you call.... 80+% of callers call to often. I have been hunting with some of the best turkey hunters in my area....and they call very little! THey also kill their two birds every year....Most of the time they are 4+ yo birds too!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
South East Ohio
HEre is my take on calling turkeys!! Again, Im no expert, I am quite possibly one of the worst turkey hunters in the world! But.....TUrkeys are like ducks and deer and every other animal....including humans! THey all sound different. I have heard some of the worst callers in the world outcall guys that are awesome callers on live flocks of ducks! I beleive turkeys are the same way....IMO the key is volume and how often you call.... 80+% of callers call to often. I have been hunting with some of the best turkey hunters in my area....and they call very little! THey also kill their two birds every year....Most of the time they are 4+ yo birds too!

Are they they letting the 2yr olds walk?


Senior Member
Yes i believe his dad does...as far as my buddy it just seems when he kills a bird its got long sharp spurs.....Although, i know he wont let a two y/o walk by if it comes gobbling in.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I can't help but think "trophy hunting" for turkey is just going too far. I'm sorry, but if I am in the mood to shoot the white top off an ugly ol turkey, I ain't checkin it's ID.


Senior Member
I can't help but think "trophy hunting" for turkey is just going too far. I'm sorry, but if I am in the mood to shoot the white top off an ugly ol turkey, I ain't checkin it's ID.

hey I didnt say I did it.if people wanna hold out for mature toms....whatever...more power to them... Like I said....Im a terrible turkey hunter....I have a jake killing track record to compete with the best of em. ha