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The TOO dump thread


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Taxes suck. No doubt. Can't say that enough on a day like this. Freakin' hate taxes. Hate to see my money going to the government so they can waste it. Hate to see the actual tax rate I pay in higher than what the President paid in as well. I know darn well he made more money than I did last year. Ridiculous!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
It is a lot easier now. Still a pain in the ass. Called for a question and the people that work there didn't know the answers to my question....none of them.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Woke up around 4 or something. Been trying to get back to sleep ever since. This sucks! If I am going to be up at 4-5-6am on a Saturday then I should be out hunting something not sitting here doing nothing! Frustrating.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Double dump thread this morning! Dang! Couldn't quite get the magazine loaded in my 17hmr quick enough. Had a varmint out back to take care of. I ran to the safe and snagged the Savage. By the time the magazine was in all the way I no longer had a clean shot opportunity. Pretty perturbed right now too because this fat little critter has been becoming a serious nuisance on our property lately. There is enough poop on our property with two 70lb dogs to clean up after. On top of the additional poop, I am tired of this furball tormenting Hank in his kennel. If he is barking, I want it to be for a reason. Alerting me of a robber is good. Alerting me for a pest is bad. Oh well. There will be another day.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Double dump thread this morning! Dang! Couldn't quite get the magazine loaded in my 17hmr quick enough. Had a varmint out back to take care of. I ran to the safe and snagged the Savage. By the time the magazine was in all the way I no longer had a clean shot opportunity. Pretty perturbed right now too because this fat little critter has been becoming a serious nuisance on our property lately. There is enough poop on our property with two 70lb dogs to clean up after. On top of the additional poop, I am tired of this furball tormenting Hank in his kennel. If he is barking, I want it to be for a reason. Alerting me of a robber is good. Alerting me for a pest is bad. Oh well. There will be another day.

There will be more opportunity's :smiley_cowboy:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Summbitch is Stupid! Crew leader want's to try and work tomorrow in all this wind. But I have to at least go in to shut him down.......... And that will just fugg up my plan to lop-off a gobbler's head with the crossbow.......... Ya can't run a crane in this shit ~~ might as well try and hunt instead.......... He's
dumber'n hell............


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Life has been busy. Work schedules and the kids' schedules have made any quality time with my wife non-existent. Decided to make time this afternoon. Got naked! Woohoo! Friggin' phone rings. Booo! Had to go pick up the nephew at school. Let's just say his ride home was very quiet and his evening is going to be pretty boring and outlined. Nothing but homework for him tonight and quiet time. Now my wife is heading to work 3 days on, 2 days off, 3 days on, two days off, and 3 days on. I am not liking her schedule the next two weeks. I will do my best to get out and turkey hunt, but that isn't going to help with our quality time together. This, my friends, is worth dumping about! Sometimes the responsibilities in life just continue to get in the way of relaxing and enjoying yourself!


*Supporting Member*
Byesville, Ohio
Well finally got my approval for an MRI on my shoulder from Workers Comp!!! have it tommorow at 9:30 am, it only took them two weeks and a day to approve it, who fuggin cares that I cant lift my left arm more than acouple of inches without it feeling like someone is shoving a knife in my shoulder, or that I have been having to sleep in a recliner because I cant lay down on a bed without my shoulder killing me. Get an MRI tommorow an then wait till Monday to see the Dr. again and see what he says, if its surgery then its 12 to 16 weeks fighting with workers comp!!!


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Well finally got my approval for an MRI on my shoulder from Workers Comp!!! have it tommorow at 9:30 am, it only took them two weeks and a day to approve it, who fuggin cares that I cant lift my left arm more than acouple of inches without it feeling like someone is shoving a knife in my shoulder, or that I have been having to sleep in a recliner because I cant lay down on a bed without my shoulder killing me. Get an MRI tommorow an then wait till Monday to see the Dr. again and see what he says, if its surgery then its 12 to 16 weeks fighting with workers comp!!!

Been there and done that. I wouldn't wish that pain on anybody. My left shoulder is screwed and my right shoulder isn't much better. I remember the nights trying to lay in bed and waking everytime I rolled off my right side when I messed my left shoulder up the last time. Now that I have to lug this big fuggin ladder around all day long it is killing me. I can't lay on my left side anymore. Any pressure on that shoulder about kills me.

Hope everything goes alright with the MRI buddy. Keep us updated.


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
I am so FU*CKING Pissed!........ I go to Walmart in Robinson Township here in PA to pick up a few things and a carton of smokes. Now I have gone to this same place for months and this Retard at the check out would not sell me smokes with out my drivers license. I said what the fuck dude, been coming here for months, never been asked for a ID. He was like can't sell them to you without a ID. I got pissed and said are you fucking stupid????? I am 50 years old, gave my birthdate and the freaking kid says "well you don't look 50" and I said you dumb shit I don't look 18 either. Fucker would not sell em to me. I had my licence but it was in my truck. I would have cause a major stink but there was a lady behind me with two smaller kids. I told him no wonder you work at Walmart and will never go any where else. I said you just sold me $18.32 in food and I use my debit card.........why did you not ask for ID then. Fu*k you Walmart!!!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Went to eat at a restaurant once with the wife and kids. Forgot my wallet so I didn't have my id. Had a 15 and 13 year olds sitting across frome laughing and saying "dad can't get beer!!!" Cause the waitress would not serve me without an id.

It pisses me off but at the same time I understand. I have seen where they.will send people in undercover to try and get.people to screw up and bust them.