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The TOO dump thread


Dignitary Member
Staff member
That sucks. You figure with a ticket in to tech support technical issues wouldn't cause you to fail the test.. IMO it's their fault. They're the one that has online tests and stupid electronic proctor monitoring. That's a curriculum issue not yours. Is there another computer you can try to hook that camera up to..


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
That sucks. You figure with a ticket in to tech support technical issues wouldn't cause you to fail the test.. IMO it's their fault. They're the one that has online tests and stupid electronic proctor monitoring. That's a curriculum issue not yours. Is there another computer you can try to hook that camera up to..

I don't think, but I'll try tonight. I mean, I have a laptop, but not sure about installation. I forget how I did that... Lol I'm not sure if I just plug it in if it will do an upload or not. I have until 11:30 tonight to take it. I sent my prof an email last night and today and haven't heard back.
The window to take the exam was Friday to tonight. He'll probably tell me I should've taken it sooner or something, but I just haven't had time. My house is rarely quiet enough too.

I'm sure it'll work out and thanks for the advice. I'll try tonight.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I thought I saw JB tooling through Ravenna today.....damn loud and exhaust pipe dragging again today. :smiley_crocodile:

If it wasn't him it must have been his next of kin.

Lol. Wasn't me... My poor truck was in the shop as of 8:00 a.m. this morning. Almost a hundred friggin bucks just for them to JB Weld a sectioin of pipe in there. Damn it... If I had the right tools at home I could've just done that myself!


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Lol. Wasn't me... My poor truck was in the shop as of 8:00 a.m. this morning. Almost a hundred friggin bucks just for them to JB Weld a sectioin of pipe in there. Damn it... If I had the right tools at home I could've just done that myself!

Harbor freight tac welder.. Pays for itself in no time.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Harbor freight tac welder.. Pays for itself in no time.

Just be careful welding the alumanized exhaust pipe with one. Really not designed for that material and fumes are pretty nasty. Might even be toxic. Not sure on that one. I know a former employee that did his own exhaust work with one of them and burnt his eyes. Might have been a combination of the fumes and failure to close his eyes while tack welding.

Dump worthy: I have a child upstairs crying at the kitchen table because he doesn't want to do his homework. 11 fuggin years old. I am tired of being bad dad. I am tired of the public schools coddling him. Here is a flipping green star for the day because you didn't burn the school down! Yeah! Now I am procrastinating doing my work because I am so pissed off about it. I am in a lose-lose here. Oh well. I guess I will pull an all-niter to finish my work tonight and then start the day turkey hunting tomorrow!


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
Dump worthy: I have a child upstairs crying at the kitchen table because he doesn't want to do his homework. 11 fuggin years old. I am tired of being bad dad. I am tired of the public schools coddling him.

There wold be an 11 yr old sitting in that chair all night with no dinner until he gets that homework done and correctly if it was me. I'm the dad..bad guy role assumed. I've given up on fighting it. I hate being the one who always yells, but they dont ever listen to my wife, so i have to be the one to do it. i hate it too phil


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I gave him 10 minutes Wayne. I told him 10 minutes is sufficient time to pull himself together and start his homework. 8 minutes later my wife walked into the office and said in a whisper "He's doing it. Still whimpering but he is working on it." I can hear her talking to him and helping him get started now. Sometimes he truly does need some assistance to get started. With all the problems he has, it is easy for him to lose focus and become overwhelmed. I still believe part of the issue is the hand holding at his school though. "What? You didn't punch your teacher in the mouth today? I am so proud! Here is an extra cookie!" Pussification of America. Forget who said it, but I will repeat it.


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
I def. have sympathy for him coming from the atmosphere he was in and his issues. I do agree with you on the coddeling...these kids today got it easy man. I cant believe what they get away with and how they get coddeled..Its amazing.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Jesse I would say that the wife and I would help out and give you and Tracie a break if you need it, but then I remembered both of ours will be out of the house before you have any.

Sorry about your luck bro. LOL


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I'm fugged when we have kids...

I think you'd probably be fine, dude. You have the right type of attitude to be a good dad, IMO. Plenty of common sense and an understanding of discipline. At least, that's what I tell myself, and you and I are pretty similar. I really hope I'm right and you're wrong... otherwise we'll both be fugged eventually. lmao


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Jesse- you'll be fine. Whenever you are wondering if you made the right decision or not, you think about people like Geoffrey's parents. Anything you do is better than the nothing some parents offer their kids.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
So I get up and am looking over my work orders for today and hear the trashman out front picking up my trash. Then I hear one of them yelling at the top of their lungs so I go look out the front window. The antenna on my Jeep is bouncing all over the place. FUG.. I go to the front door and the driver of the truck meets me at the door. First thing out of his mouth " I hit your truck on accident " I go out and look and find his truck had tore off my wheel well cover that runs along the fender, rim now has a big gash from the lugnuts on the trash truck hitting it, and the cheap wheel cover is trashed.

What a fuggin way to start the day I tell ya. Now I have to get an estimate to get that all fixed. Have to wait until Monday on my day off to take it to get looked at. Trash guy got a ticket for $115 and will probably stop picking up my trash now lol.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
so i get up and am looking over my work orders for today and hear the trashman out front picking up my trash. Then i hear one of them yelling at the top of their lungs so i go look out the front window. The antenna on my jeep is bouncing all over the place. Fug.. I go to the front door and the driver of the truck meets me at the door. First thing out of his mouth " i hit your truck on accident " i go out and look and find his truck had tore off my wheel well cover that runs along the fender, rim now has a big gash from the lugnuts on the trash truck hitting it, and the cheap wheel cover is trashed.

What a fuggin way to start the day i tell ya. Now i have to get an estimate to get that all fixed. Have to wait until monday on my day off to take it to get looked at. Trash guy got a ticket for $115 and will probably stop picking up my trash now lol.

that sucks!!!