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Bow Shoot at Crooked Run Archery


*Supporting Member*
Damn, I wish I could have made it.

We had a small family get together in Toledo. My sister and niece flew in from Florida, and I got see my Uncle, Aunt and Cousin that I haven't seen since I was about seven.


Well-Known Member
Quote of the weekend.

We are walking in between targets on the back half of the course and Clay Cottis looks at his dad and says, "Dad... I thought you said these guys were going to be alot better than you.":smiley_blackeye:


Staff member
Strange.. yesterday on 70 when I was driving to the shoot I saw this truck with this stuff in the back. It looked like they were going camping I was wondering where they were going.

View attachment 8230

Today heading back home on 70 I see the exact same truck. What are the freaking odds.

I passed a guy Friday around lunch as I was headed to Monroe County for work that was south bound with two brand new Polaris Razrs loaded on a shiny new aluminum trailer. I passed him going north on 77 within 10 miles of where I passed him Friday on our way home Sunday. Fuggin' crazy!!!


Staff member
Quote of the weekend.

We are walking in between targets on the back half of the course and Clay Cottis looks at his dad and says, "Dad... I thought you said these guys were going to be alot better than you.":smiley_blackeye:

Yep, that was great!!! :smiley_clap:

I had a hell of a good time and would like to thank everyone for coming, as well as extend a huge "THANK YOU" to Marcus and his family for opening up their farm to a bunch of crazy rednecks! I could do that every weekend and not get tired of it!!! I could have shot better, but it was still a great time. One thing is for sure, a weekend like that will challenge even the best of plumbing!!!


Junior Member
You knew it was comming. lmao



Well-Known Member
Alright...I'm looking for an easy way to get some photos loaded. Really don't want to load all of this to photobucket. Is there a way to make a slide show and post through youtube or something? I can load these easily toFB, but then everyone won't be able to see them. Any suggestions?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Alright...I'm looking for an easy way to get some photos loaded. Really don't want to load all of this to photobucket. Is there a way to make a slide show and post through youtube or something? I can load these easily toFB, but then everyone won't be able to see them. Any suggestions?

Dang, wish I knew. It is somewhat time consuming creating albums on here and then posting pics. Maybe our tech gurus here have a better way.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I wanted to laugh at Jessica's post. It was funny chit! Then I read "$200". Ouch. Sucks to hear that Charles!


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Alright...I'm looking for an easy way to get some photos loaded. Really don't want to load all of this to photobucket. Is there a way to make a slide show and post through youtube or something? I can load these easily toFB, but then everyone won't be able to see them. Any suggestions?

When I get home tonight I will PM you a way to upload all of them here to the server.