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Fluteman's Hunting Diaries


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Thanks fellas.

Had a rough night at work last night, so I didn't leave early like planned. Instead, I went home and went to bed. This evening, I went back and watched the same cut bean field I watched last night, the one that the big eight visited. This time I remembered the camera. Got out there at 4:30 and there were two does and two fawns feeding already. I am texting Ryan and Jesse discussing deer hunting, and waiting for the action to begin. Around 5:10, I'm scanning the field with the binos and see a great buck working a scrape I hung the camera over on the opposite end of the field. I shifted the camera to him, and began filming. He was over 300y away, but the film came out perfectly. He worked the scrape, then disappeared into a low spot, heading right towards the does. I turn my focus to the does, and their posture. I could see them looking in the direction he ventured off in. It seemed like forever, but the does scattered, a total of six deer, and I knew the big boy was coming back. I watched him pop up over the crest of the hill, and head off on a slow stroll in the direction the does went. I was so pumped. I slipped out before more deer came out, and headed off for work.

These pics are stills from the video taken with my phone. The video is taken off the TV with my phone. I apologize for their lack of quality, but it is the best I've got for now, and I couldn't not share!



As I was driving to work, I thinking about the buck and his rack, and I believe this deer could actually be Claw. I know I already posted pictures of a buck that I thought was Claw, but this deer's rack matches his characteristics better than the previous buck. He has short brows, G2's shorter than the G3's, and the G3's have great length. The G4's are short, and he is not very wide, but tall. He also had a flyer off the back of his left G2 last year, and this buck appears to as well. How do you explain the droptine? You can't see it well in the pictures and video above, but it appears the G3 on the left side got bumped in velvet, hence the reason for it being a drop. The only way I can be certain is if he has a scar on his neck, and I believe with the video I have, I might be able to tell if I play it back tomorrow. Here are two pics of Claw from last year, you decide for yourself.

I can't begin to tell you guys how pumped I am to hunt this weekend. I have seen two good bucks on the same field, two days in a row. Both with more than half an hour of shooting light left! I will have my butt firmly planted on that field edge come Friday evening, and will spend the whole weekend there. I fully expect for great things to happen, and I cannot wait!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I'm so friggin pumped for you right now I can't stand it! Both of those deer are slobs! I hope one of those studs gives you a shot buddy! Goodluck


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Holy shit balls!
I better get updates from you two jack wagons all day. I'll be on stand allday looking fr somebody to talk to. Hope thy dude gives you a crack!

Ha, that is if we have service. This area isn't the best for cell reception. Hope the deer are moving good, cause we won't have the phones to keep ourselves occupied!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Man, I've been neglecting this thread and the forums here lately. Since the 9th, I have been on 15 sits, for a total of 50 hours, saw deer on every sit but two. I saw three great bucks, but just didn't get the opportunity I was looking for. I only got to hunt Tuesday evening and Thursday morning this week, and could have shot does, but didn't see a single buck. My confidence is still high that I can kill a good buck, but I've gotta get a new gameplan going. Monday, I'm putting all four cameras back out, and I'm gonna get some corn out to see who made it though gun week, and if any new guys may have moved in. I've been enjoying hunting more this year since I haven't been so obsessed with running cameras, but with gun season comes a big swing in deer movement, and I'd like to get an idea of what direction I need to head in the upcoming weeks.

I am preparing myself for another long season, but I'm not worried. I've had good deer on camera the last two seasons in January, so I am confident that it could happen at any time up through the last week.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Great to hear Greg! Wondered where you were on your pursuits. Sounds like a great plan and a positive outlook! Lots of great hunting ahead! Good luck buddy!!!

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Like Ric said, great hunting ahead. Pray for miserable weather and deep snow. For some reason it'll give ya that Jeramiah Johnson feeling and make you hunt when you'd be better off by the fire! :)


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Well, time for an update. I put out corn and cameras in three different spots last week to take inventory and regroup for late season. Two of them I didn't expect much, other than does and small bucks, and that is what I got. The third produced just like I thought it would. Stickers made it through gun season, and I got pictures of him not 200y where I did last year late season. He first showed on the 27th, and has shown up every night since, making one daytime showing @ 5:30pm last Thursday. My plan is to lay low and wait until I get better information on the cameras before I go in. I want him showing up frequently during the evenings before I risk going in there for a hunt.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Just thinking about this. A good plan is good but you can't plan the results. I have killed more big bucks on a whim than I have with a plan. I make sure the wind is right, and just go hunt. Sounds like he knows where a good food source is already. You might want to try dumping another load of corn, wait 1 or 2 days (when the wind was right) and try it. Just thinking outside the box here. Good Luck with whatever you do!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Just thinking about this. A good plan is good but you can't plan the results. I have killed more big bucks on a whim than I have with a plan. I make sure the wind is right, and just go hunt. Sounds like he knows where a good food source is already. You might want to try dumping another load of corn, wait 1 or 2 days (when the wind was right) and try it. Just thinking outside the box here. Good Luck with whatever you do!

I hear you loud and clear, and honestly, this is what I want to do. However, there are TOO many variables for to not play it conservatively. I am competing with another hunter that has literally been out there the entire bow season (minus about two weeks). Also, the spot I have my camera is close to the corner of the property line and difficult to get into, and I believe this deer is staying on the neighbors. If I go in there at the wrong time and booger it up on a couple of does, it could mean game over. On top of that, this deer did fell back into the same spot last year, and around this time, I started getting evening daylight pictures of him over corn. I have friday-sunday off this week, and then my seven day break begins on the 11th, perfect for muzzy.

I believe if I play it smart and be patient, I may have a shot. I just can't afford to have a group of does just me, as it may ruin my only chance I have.