Glad to hear you had such a Great Day with the twins. They sure do grow up fast...... Everyone should enjoy them when they are little. You blink and they're grown up.
Grey to hear Jesse! See, this parenting thing is a breeze. Lol
Hahahaha.... Good luck Jesse, they'll be good days and bad days but you'll also have great days!
So very true. But the nice thing about it is that you will remember the good days way more than the bad and the great days you will never forget. Before long you will be coaxing your little one to get up and walk and it will seem like the next day you will be yelling at him to quit running through the house. Yes, it happens that quick. Enjoy every minute ya can!
In a tree for one final sit. Big or small, young or old it's gonna take a ride tonight.
Just picked up a new turkey fryer in an unopened box never used for $25. :smiley_clap:
In a tree for one final sit. Big or small, young or old it's gonna take a ride tonight.
I added a new tail light to my truck's hitch today ....