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Full bore and Finelyshedded shed thread of 2013


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I found my #14 today right off the get go. Walked another 4 miles(4 hours of steady walkin') and didn't find anymore.

Ron found #23 today, it was is first year old one. What's cool is, it's the same side of the same buck that dropped the 68.5" shed that Ron picked up a few weeks ago. He blew the FUGG up!

Here are the two sides together.

Here are the pedicles.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Here is Ron's pretty cool ATL pic

Here is the biggest rubs I've personally found while shed hunting the past several years. Note how high the tine or beam gouges are!


Junior Member
Darby Creek
I found my #14 today right off the get go. Walked another 4 miles(4 hours of steady walkin') and didn't find anymore.

Ron found #23 today, it was is first year old one. What's cool is, it's the same side of the same buck that dropped the 68.5" shed that Ron picked up a few weeks ago. He blew the FUGG up!

Here are the two sides together.

Here are the pedicles.

Findin that first one from the get go is a good thing.......it gives you fuel for the next 3.5 miles of walkin! Nice find Ric!

Ron, finding last years and this years shed from the same side of the same buck is just freakin
AWESOME! Very cool to see his progression, great finds right there!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Thanks Jimmy.

The pedicle pic is what Ron and I have been preaching about being the one most tell tale signs of finger printing a certain bucks sheds from year to year. Even though the beams and tines are pretty close the pedicles and burrs(note the two small holes TOO) are identical.

We're hitting the brush and thickets like wild men tomorrow from first light to last light. Hope we find something good to share with y'all.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Thanks SH. Just got up. Got to sleep after 3 this morning and tossed and turned all night thinking about today's hunt with Ron. He's started a big breakfast and I'm tuning in on TOO ready to kill that breakfast. Haha


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Man! We're whipped! Still have almost 2 hours of shed hunting light left but we're ready to pound some beers. I found my numbers 15,16,18,18 and 19 today. One nice set,a fresh 5 point side and 2 old small ones. Ripped up my camo pockets pretty good and lost a glove. Overall, a great day for me.

Ron found no horns but after seeing his haul for the year....I'd be really happy. Best year as far as big heavy sheds so far. Now for my pics.

Nice 5 point side.

First shed this morning. Small year old one.

Third shed. Small 1-2 year old one.

First side found of set.

Other side found 50 yards away

My first two of the late morning.

Huge rubs

Found Ron's stand. Great spot!

My today's haul


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
How could you be whipped ic you were on a quad ya old powder puff! Lmao

Nice haul today Ric. Sounds like you showed Ron how to get it done!


Junior Member
Darby Creek
Way to go Ric! Like I've said before, you guys are shed magnets! Glad you cashed in on your time with your bro.

That matched set has some good mass to it. What was the top scoring ANTLER today?.....lol. That was for Ron....jk buddy.
Phil its the pounding on his diaper that wears him out! Lol

Nice finds ric congrats, I went out a couple times no score, got shut down on permission to shed hunt a place all in all I went for some long walks lol


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Thanks guys. Fwiw, Ron and I did very little(1/2-1 hour) cruising corn and beanfields for horns. Yesterday was walking and busting brush and tearing through briars and honeysuckle for horns. We just used our atvs for zooming from one spot to the next.
After church me and my girls will do some cornfield walking and cruising for more horns.

My face and lips are so wind burnt right now! Lol


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
How could you be whipped ic you were on a quad ya old powder puff! Lmao

Nice haul today Ric. Sounds like you showed Ron how to get it done!
Your funny Phil, I had a great day! Just being able to hunt together, whether we found any or not. Ric found 5 and I didn't, is A-o-Kay with me. He really deserved a day like that. Congrats Bro!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Thanks T!

This is cool stuff. The set I found, Ron found one side to the same buck last year. Here they are side by side.

He dropped them about 3/4 of a mile apart.

Pedicle pics

Here's what we both found so far this year.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
That is an awesome haul for the year! Glad to see them all in one place. Makes for a great picture! Congrats to both of you.