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What's good TOO?


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Damn Taylor what the he k happened???? Glad too see you're okay buddy.... Wow that could of been ugly.... You have the old belt on????


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
When you told me about your accident on the phone today and hearing what happened I about shit myself! So glad you weren't injured or even killed buddy!


*Supporting Member*
Byesville, Ohio
Finally got out into the woods yesterday for alittle walk, I didnt veer TOO far off the beaten paths but man it felt good to just be out in the outdoors again, went to my wifes grandmothers for an early easter dinner and then I went for a walk. This is one of the properties I hunt and I found a few things to keep the walk interesting.

2013-03-30 17.57.53.jpg2013-03-30 18.38.52.jpg2013-03-30 18.50.32.jpg


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Great to hear it Tad! Nice rub and shed. Just getting back into the woods for a walk had to feel exhilarating!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Graci took her First Communion. Erin made an awesome meal. My parents brought my grandma over and the inlaws ate with us as well. Everybody is gone. I told Erin Garrett and I were going shed hunting. She said she wants to go. How cool is that? Family shed hunting excursion on a property which hasn't been hunted for a good 1-2 months. Hoping to find some studs!


Staff member
We were headed to the gas station after church yesterday and passed a field with 4 strutting gobblers in it. We stopped and rolled down the window. That was the first time Tracie had ever seen a full strut bird in person and she has never heard one gobble. I laid on the horn and got them to fire off and she thought that was pretty cool. She was hinting around that she would like to go with me this spring, so I'm hoping we can get a babysitter and get her to kill her first bird!!!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Lots of great stuff going on here fellas! Tad, glad to hear you are recovering well, and able to get out and do some walking!

Finally made the transition over to the cistern this weekend. Everything went really smooth. Still have one more run of electrical wire to finish up for the well so we can pump into the cistern when it is producing, but that is it. Yard is still a mess, but I'm gonna have to wait for it to dry out a little more before I can finish that up.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
No doubt there is plenty of good news in the air! Glad to hear the cistern is tied in and operating. Good to hear Greg!

We ended up finding one shed yesterday and it was a freak. Erin mentioned afterwords how she enjoyed herself out there. Then she hinted about shooting a deer with the crossbow. I am NOT going to push her by any means, but it seems like these subtle comments are becoming more common. This could be pretty cool. Jesse's comment on Tracie wanting to try turkey hunting reminded me. Congrats to you as well Jesse. Truth be told, a turkey hunt would probably be an easier way to break my wife into hunting. Seems like the temps aren't quite as harsh and you aren't locked into a tree stand.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Thanks guys I appreciate the kind words

Had to go back and see what happened, guess I missed it. Glad to hear you are doing ok Taylor. That looks like a heck of a wreck you were in!

Phil, good luck with getting the wife involved in hunting. Sometimes it is a blessing, sometimes it's a headache.