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The TOO dump thread


Senior Member
Damn Tad, hate to hear that bud. But like ya said the hip is feeling good, that's the main thing. I know having shingles has to suck though, I sympathize with ya. Another buddy of mine had them and he said it just damn near drives ya crazy. Hopefully it will be a short lives case of them and ya can get back to healing that hip.


*Supporting Member*
Byesville, Ohio
Back from the Dr. , I got a steroid shot, some cream and some pills to add to my inventory, they are feeling a little better, the big thing is when they itch it drives ya nuts! Then if ya even touch them it feels like your ass is on fire, the cream helps with itching so we will go from here and hope they don't last long


Senior Member
Back from the Dr. , I got a steroid shot, some cream and some pills to add to my inventory, they are feeling a little better, the big thing is when they itch it drives ya nuts! Then if ya even touch them it feels like your ass is on fire, the cream helps with itching so we will go from here and hope they don't last long

I feel for ya bud, like ya didn't have enough going on already! Keep on getting better and it won't be long before you're perched in a tree thinking back on all of it. :)


Senior Member
Athens County
I have some worthy to resurrect this thread.

My folks dropped through town last night on their way down to visit my sister in Asheville NC.

Needless to say my old man isn't getting around to good. He's had minor knee surgeries in the past. He's one of those guys that never complains, just started going to the doctor in his old age, never admits there's a prob with him, etc..

Well I guess he's known for a while and has been keeping it quiet to me, but he has to have double knee replacements. Of course he's waiting until December so he has the early part of the season to hunt(not the only reason he's waiting that long).

It just sucks balls. That's age for ya, and shit like that's just going to keep happening the older I get.

Gonna be putting up a bunch of easy to access ground blinds for him to hunt out of this season. I don't think there's anyway he can climb a ladder stand, and he sure as he'll isn't going to be taking long treks deep into the woods.

Dump completed


Staff member
Sucks to see your old man shows signs of weakness man. I just went through that this week. My dad was hospitalized Sunday night with diverticulitis and an abscess. When I was helping him work on the decks Saturday night, he was in excruciating pain and I never had a clue. They just released him this afternoon. It was weird seeing him in a hospital and bit scary I might add. He'll be 60 in March, so it was a good reminder he is getting to an age where things start breaking down.

Hope he does well with the surgeries.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Watching our parent debilitate is always hard. Spend as much time with them as you can is about all you can do. Hope they are feeling better and get on the mend.


Senior Member
Athens County
You nailed it with that line. There's this sense that goes back to childhood that gives us a perspective that our parents, especially our fathers, are invincible. Hard pill to swallow.

Jeez. There's my expensive college degree Speaking on top of beer, vodka, and red bull with a side of exhaustion. I knew itd pay off one of these days


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
You nailed it with that line. There's this sense that goes back to childhood that gives us a perspective that our parents, especially our fathers, are invincible. Hard pill to swallow.

You got that right Gordo. I went through it when my dad was 59. Now we have reversed roles. Used to be my dad telling me "Now Phil. You better think twice about doing that." Or I would hear "I don't think that is a good idea." Now it is me telling my dad, "Put that down. I will get it." Or "Dad, you shouldn't be doing that." Feels a little weird.


*Supporting Member*
Byesville, Ohio
FUGGGG!!!!!! I am getting tired of this shit! Woke up this morning and the tape like thing that holds my pick line in place was it chin and burning, wife looked at it and I had some small blisters around the edge of it , called the on call nurse and she came out and removed the dressing , had a hell of a rash under it, called the pharmacy that supplies my stuff, spoke to them , they are overnighting a different type of dressing by noon tomorrow so the nurse had to put a new dressing back on till tomorrow when the new ones arrive, its freak in driving me crazy!!!!! but on the other side went to the Dr. Thursday, he said the incision is looking good, and things are going good!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
The roll reversal we experiance with a parent is sometimes slow however the realization is important.
I hope it allows each of you the opp. to appreicate the remaining time you would have and to say things that you will only know to say because of this event.

The world will seem a little different after a parent is gone.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
The roll reversal we experiance with a parent is sometimes slow however the realization is important.
I hope it allows each of you the opp. to appreicate the remaining time you would have and to say things that you will only know to say because of this event.

The world will seem a little different after a parent is gone.

Thank you for sharing this Jim. Sound like great words of wisdom.