Wow! Been MIA from the snow for a few days, and I missed this. How did I manage? lol
Okay. My 2cents.
Boys vs girls: One of each. My understanding is the boy sperm live longer. You knock the bottom out every day trying to get pregnant and the chances of a girl are better. Time the ovulation and throw down a couple days before the ovulation and back out. Let the boy sperms live longer and hangout until the egg is ready.
Snip snip: I am not worried about it. I never get laid anymore. Someday it might happen. I will deal with it then. Talked to enough friends that said it wasn't too bad that I tend to believe the majority. There will always be that one person that has a rough one.
Manscape or not: I am thinking they might do some shaving. If you are worried about wood, then maybe preparing the area yourself might save some of them handling your junk. Last thing I need is the hot nurse shaving my scrotum giving me a chubby.
Redwings or not: Go for it. You guys are a bunch of sissies. Nothing a shower won't fix on your sword. If you want, have her leave the tampon in, and stay on the high ground. When you are done, yank the tampon and get'r'dun. Just sayin'. It works. Works better if you both are on your sides and you come at it from the top/side angle while she takes care of you. We are guys. We are problem solvers. Can't believe nobody else figured out a way to solve this problem yet. Maybe I am just the dumb one to actually post it. Dang.