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Team 3


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I hit it this morning and evening. My hunting journal has the details. Long story short, I let a nice young 10pt walk. Probably 120" I would guess. Really nice buck, just not quite there. On the hoof I figured 125" but didn't have long to judge him. If I had guessed him at 135" he would have received an arrow. Glad I passed. Think I would have regretted this one later if I shot him.


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
well im gonna be getting serious the next few weeks got the wedding over with, so that is gonna free up some time. im gonna be out the rest of the week, ive got my vacation in for the 11th thru the 16th but if i can get out like i plan i hope to be done before then.


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
last night was a good night i only seen one deer in the stand but it was the first decent buck i had seen passed im up at 10 yards. my dad had a buck chasing does in front of him wasnt able too get a shot off, said he was as big as the ones he has on the wall so id say he would be around 130 inchs if thats the case, and my buddy passed a 125 inch 10 point that he was full draw on.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Shot a doe tonight. Didn't get any pics until I got it hung up and skinned, but it's just a doe anyway. Now I just gotta find a youth to take to the woods.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Rock and rolling in the Fluteman camp this year! Well done Greg!

I am heading out in the morning. Hunting a stand which has only been hunted once this year. My buddy hunted it and he saw some magic in that stand. We have worked hard to stay out of the property all year. We have only hunted the perimeters other than his one hunt in this stand. We have the only corn standing within a mile. I am optimistic. Planning on hauling in as much food and snacks as I need to stay on stand as long as possible. My gut is telling me it is going to be a good sit. Doesn't mean I will kill anything, but I feel my odds in this stand tomorrow will be tilted in my favor. Tomorrow is a buck only day.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sounds like a good hunt Ryan. Would have loved to have been out but Momma worked today. Thought she had tomorrow off. She doesn't. Looks like Tuesday will be my morning to hunt. Looks like I will be hunting with my "old" bow. Don't even want to talk about it I am so freaking pissed, but the new bow is in the case awaiting the shop. Bad fuggin' day.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Maybe he didn't get all that poop off that he to a pic of the other day? Coulda "gummed" it up and who knows

Appreciate it bud. I needed a laugh. :smiley_clap:

I screwed up Greg. Frustrations with the nephew. Went out to shoot the bow to clear my mind and stay sharp on my shooting. Next thing I know he is outside playing. Called him over to correct and redirect him. Got distracted. Was pissed. Sent him on his way. Picked bow up off my lap (was shooting from chair) and proceeded to take a shot. Unfortunately, in my frustrated and distracted state of mind I forgot to nock an arrow. Yeah. Totally boneheaded and stupid. Just goes to show how easily we can get distracted and do something silly. Hopefully this one doesn't cost me an arm and a leg. Just glad I wasn't hurt and it seems like there was no major damage. Hopefully just my ego, some time and gas money, and the bow shop fees. Bow shop fees are the cheap part because I end up getting education in addition to my bow worked on. Always enjoyable.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Damn, that sucks. Seen that happen a few times, and it's always scary. Did it do any visible damage or derail the string? Don't beat yourself up over it, you still have a backup bow!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Derailed the string. Limbs seem to be okay. Need to give it a more thorough look over. I just couldn't look at it much. Put it in the case for the shop. Way too frustrated. Pulled out old bow and started shooting.


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
hang in there hicks, i saw a few does yesterday morning last night went to the spot that i found those other people were hunting, just so happens we turned in to the drive at the same time, when i asked them who gave them permision they said they had talked too my boss and hunted it last year, i knew they didnt have permision this year but let them go about there way. they were to young kids and i wasnt gonna tell them too get lost. so i went to my stand they went up to theres about 6:30 i heard them talking and coming down the hill then i heard what sounded like them loading stands in there truck so maybe they knew they was wrong and moved on without being run off. i might not hunt much this week when it warms up but after it cools back down im out everyday hoping i hit the rut good have the 11th thru 15th off.


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
well guys this guy made himself visable last night for the first time this season since the beans were green. he cmae out with 2 does. im gonna make a move on him. ive tryed too stay out and hunt it when the times right. im trying to come up with a game plan ill prolly just try to stay out until this weekend when i can sit for most of the day. kicker.jpg